How to wrap texture properly on 3D text

I wanted to know how I can make an image texture wrap properly on a 3D text. Ive had trouble with UV unwrapping, and I tried using the generated texture coordinate and that didn’t work well either, since the texture stretched along the sides. Ive attached the blender file if that helps.


Marvel Intro.blend (479 KB)

No textures included with your .blend file !

What do you want to see where you see stretching ? If we don’t actually know what you want we cannot give a specific solution.

Options depending on what you actually want

  • Convert to a mesh and UV unwrap
  • In the texture node use box mapping instead of flat (use a mapping node after coordinate to control any texture stretching)
  • Use a different texture coordinate type

Sorry I should have mentioned that I want to make a intro similar to the Marvel intro(, and I want the texture to look like the ones in that intro; I want the picture to not just show on the top and then stretch to the sides, I want it to stretch evenly…
(And BTW, this is in cycles render)
Also, I’m pretty sure I tried all of those options and they didn’t work as I want it to from what I remember, unless I did it wrong.
This might be a better picture of what I have now:


Sorry, I should have mentioned that I want to make an intro similar to the Marvel intro ( and I want the texture to look like the ones in that intro; I want the picture to not just show on the top and then stretch to the sides, I want it to stretch evenly…
This might be a better picture of what I have now:

convert to mesh and uv unwrap(project from view) and pin glyph face uv’s and unwrap

Thanks, but what do you mean by “pin glyph face uv’s and unwrap”? Also, the second time you unwrap it, that’s a uv unwrap, right?
Sorry if this is basic stuff, but I’m somewhat new to blender…

For the effect seen in the linked vid you’d need to use UV Project modifier or use light source trough transparent material plane textured using your image/movie which illuminates text object.

Another possibility is to attach an image texture to a spotlight, so that it effectively becomes a movie-projector. The rotating words move through the space of this “projector” and the image is projected onto it. The letters might be neutral-gray, as they logically would be if you were doing this physically.

Yet another possibility is to use the moving text as a mask to reveal portions of a static image: where the letters are, you see the image “through” the letters, modulated in some creative way by the difference between the surface-normals of the various faces of the letters relative to the axis of the camera. (This is a visual effect that has no correspondence to what you can do in real life.)

As they say in programming circles: “TMTOWTDI™” = “Tim Toady” = “There’s More Than One Way To Do It.™” :slight_smile:

Orient your view so you’re facing your text head on, press U and select Project From View.
In your Image Editor, while in Edit Mode with all the faces selected, you’ll see your letters. The sides aren’t unwrapped well at all.
Go into a side view of your text and select the TOP part of your letters only (not the sides). Note that this works better if the bottom faces are simply deleted (if you don’t need them). Otherwise you have to account for them as well.
With only the top faces/verts selected, in your image editor press the P key to “pin” the top faces. Now whenever you unwrap, those particular areas will not change, and the other areas will try to play nicely with them, as it were.
Select all, press U and choose “Unwrap”. You’ll notice a slightly nicer result, though still with a lot of warping, but something intelligible.
Now you can mark some seams on the sides (select an edge, Ctrl+E, “Mark Seam”) to give the unwrapper some hints about how you want it working – usually you try to put seams where they won’t be seen. Once you have those in place, U –> “Unwrap” again and you’ll start seeing some much-nicer results.

Search “pinning” in this useful article:

Thank you!
Can you tell me what I did wrong though (Im not great at UV editing…)
