I’m trying to model a curly cat tail like my drawing.
I know how to make a mesh from a curve, but I’m not sure how to model a clean fat curl with a rounded tip like my drawing.
I tried using sculpt tool but it makes it lumpy and there should be an easier way.
1 - Add a spiral curve (extra objects addon in blender but you have to enable it if not already) adjust the parameters to shape it similarly.
2- and delete if necessary any points from the ends and extrude more points to match the shape of both ends of the spiral.
3 - use face nearest or face project snapping mode to snap the curve onto the cupcake surface, move/rotate the whole curve to fit closely and snap once the whole curve and then tweak every point to fit nicely the projection onto the surface.
4 - enter edit mode and tweak the bevel segments and geometry radius and curve resolution if needed in the properties panel.
5 - enable proportional editing with connect only and set the falloff to linear, select one vertex from either edge loop ends and set the curve radius with alt S and scroll the mouse wheel to set the proportional distance.
You might also have a look at the Extra Objects addon using XYZ function : Shell and play wth some setttings and maybe merge this with a fitting UV sphere:
In fact i onec tried this with a semi mathecmatical approach… ending in lots of lots of manual edits and i was very very unsatisfied… funnily enough i now just started with an archimedean spiral and formed all the volume my modelling it… and this time it was fun… :