How would you do this? Model attached.

I’ve got a binder , you know the kind that holds paper?. It’s for a project and I want to animate opening the binder and pushing aside most of the contents along the binder rings.

Currently the contents are pretty simplified. But I don’t see an effective way to keep the binder contents from clipping as the turn across the binder rings.

Can I somehow set the pages to lock to the binder ring, making the rings a solid body?

Please see this model:

It’s a little over a meg in size I think.

Let me know how I could open the binder, flip past the contents and reveal the little CD holder inside the binder. Any tips would be great. How would you do this?

make each page as a plane, but in edit mode, shift the 4 vertices off center, so that the center is just to the left of the four vertices. Now, when you rotate the plane (page), it will appear to travel around the ring.

I think you didn’t rigged nicely.
I will try and if I get some success then I will post you back, may be today or tomorrow.

do you want only front cove to be opned and closed or pages also?

The front cover in my rig should already open. My problem is the best way to make those pages turn around the binder rings.

thanks for looking at it!

I have done for Cover page, Page1,Page2 and Page3, rest you can do.
What I have done

  1. change the Bone Structure, Back will be root.
  2. Change the cneter of Page1,page2, page3
  3. create curve for page mvoement
  4. change some mesh Name like page1,page2,page3 etc for the convience.
    You can download your modified blend from here
    I hope you will benefit.