How would you generate precision industry props procedurally?

I am working on a pallet generator for a warehouse design concept and want to dynamically change the pallet types.

Instead of modelling each pallet type used in the world individually, which is a huge task, a better approach is to type in parameters and then run these through either a script, geometry nodes or some procedural setup.
The different parts of each pallet have to be individual objects for assembly visualisation, and preferably one object as well for floor space design.

I imagine a csv file and then a drop down selection which will generate the pallets based on specific criteria outside the scope of this post.

This is a building generator of sorts, but where each item on the grid is different in dimensions and distances from each other.

Thank you for your time and enjoy your day.

do you know how to script in blender using python ?

it is possible but depends how much details is required which will determine time to built the program !

can you show like 2 examples of such pallet

happy bl

I am learning scripting for Blender.

Here are 4 examples:

Here is what I followed to make the pallet below:

And the final blender work:

For the add-on, it would be something like:
palletName = string
numBlocks = int
bFloorBoards = bool
bCrossBoards = bool
bCrossBoards = bool
numFloorBoards = int
numCrossBoards = int
numCoverBoards = int

And so forth, with dimensions and locations as floats and then a function on some for loop.

if you don’t need it as parametric
then you could use an operator and adjust dim then do the object

happy bl

That is happening at the moment. You seem to have inspired some ideas over here.

Btw. is the python syntax in Blender exactly like python normally? I will be making some functions, variables and probably arrays and for loops. Rather new to coding, except for the Unreal Engine blueprint system.

Thank you again and happy blending to you too!