might as well show it off here too
Yay, did it, all in blender, and exported from it.
suffice to say the md3 exporter (not bob’s) officially works
might as well show it off here too
Yay, did it, all in blender, and exported from it.
suffice to say the md3 exporter (not bob’s) officially works
kind of make me want to model something for quake
sweet! Love the tex. Did you high poly and then normal map or did you just paint it all???
really nice, but you could possibly get away with higher res textures? they look very low compared to the weaponry…
I am still playing that game. QUake 3 Arena best FPS i’ve played ever.
I love the model too and was always a CAPCOM fan
the textures are actually two 256x256’s, one 256x128, one 128x256 and a 128x128
nice game model, I like it.
<3 dead chinese girls
I like the model, but the textures could look more detailed.
Wow, only 1814 tri’s? That looks like more. I don’t think you should change the textures, they are too good for the model.
seriously, for those of us who have worked on game meshes… we understand, and know how freakin cool this is. Nice one
Wow, gargoyle, that is awesome. I wonder if you have a spare moment, could you post which md3 exporter you used?
The reason I am asking is that myself, my brother, and my cousin are working with the recently GPL’d Quake III source code (the icculus.org version is excellent, the Icculus team has put excellent work into getting Q3 to compile cleanly on Linux, OS X, and Windows among other improvements), with the purpose of developing a completely Free RPG game. We would love to be able to use only Free tools to develop it, naturally, and so any information about modeling in Blender (with regards to md3) that you could point us towards would be fantastic. I have found several MD3 exporters in various states of completion, so mainly I was just wondering which one you used specifically. I’d like to start from a known-working state when I just start to work with and learn about md3 files.
Thanks in advance. And keep up the great work!
The exporter is here:
Also i’ve made the model available, with a few more fixes (i.e. more smoothing group fixes making the face properly lit and such)