I was placing comments in the main development thread but perhaps its best to do it here. I have copied the info from my other post:
I am also having TDI events now with 2.77. I have opened an existing blend and when I enabled the rendered view lender crashes with a timeout on my gtx 980 ti.
I’m running windows 10 and am downloading the newest drivers now.
there seems to be a rendering issue with 2.77.
I tried to f12 render the same project and the render slows down and only renders 1 sample for the tile every 2 seconds or so. The render was nearly hung at 3 min in and only about 1/3 complete. I finally does complete and takes over 9 min to render at 120 samples.
I opened the same blend in a copy of 2.75 I have saved and it renders the complete image in 2:16.
I removed 2.77 and installed 2.76b and it renders in 2:33
At this point I doubt that hardware drivers are the issue.
It seems there is something going on here. Any ideas?
Yup, i confirm a HUGE slowdown (cc. 350%) on GPU with blender 2.77. At least with this scene. I suspect merging of the code from previous experimental feature set. Got no time to research further.
I don’t know if this is related, but I noticed on my machine (which I use CPU because I don’t have a good GPU on my laptop) that a render took about 8:10.83 to complete (Blender 2.77, Win 2010, 64 bit, AMD A8-3520M). I also noticed that it was doing the render in a spiral pattern (Hilbert Spiral). I’m guessing this is now the default, because I didn’t change anything in that part of the render tab on a brand new project that I had started about 3 hours ago.
I remembered hearing about slow downs on renders in 2.77, but hadn’t really investigated it. I switched the setting back to Center, which is what I had been using in 2.76. The time on that was 4:33.50. The pattern is the ONLY thing I changed, and you can see the difference in the render time.
As I said, I’m not sure if this is related to the same render slow downs others are experiencing, but it might be worth taking a look at.
This one slows down the ENTIRE COMPUTER. If I hover the mouse over the Outline window, on Mac I get the “spinning pizza of death” for 2 seconds, every 4 seconds. This cycle NEVER STOPS. Worse, this happens to EVERY ASPECT of the entire operating system, including all other applications. If I quit Blender (or force-quit which is more likely) the entire computer remains FROZEN for several minutes.
I opened this scene with 2.76b, and none of these problems exist. (Yes, it’s a bit clunky because of the number of objects, but NOTHING like in 2.77.)
It would be really helpful if someone could test this scene in 2.77 on non-Mac platforms …
Hi, this file is unusable even in 2.76b with my system (specs in signature)
I join all objects to one and all run smooth now (joining need a several minutes!).