Currently the game I’m making runs at a steady 5-9 fps on my Celeron 366 64MB pc100 TNT2 m64 computer, which although crappy is still playable. However it sometimes experiences a massive slowdown if I turn to the direction of the town. As low as 0.032fps (30s/frame) has been recorded and 0.085 isn’t unusual. Are there any scrips/workarounds/tips I could use? All meshes are as low-poly they can get while still looking ok. The game is mostly set outdoors and I fear what is going to happen once I get all humans, plants and animals into place… :o :-?
PS. I’ve had a look at saint_pills culling script but I’m not that sure if I understand how to get it working.
Muhihhi:PS. I’ve had a look at saint_pills culling script but I’m not that sure if I understand how to get it working.
I maybe know why. A while ago I made a landschape test with culling. When I tested the little landschape culling, the fp/s was first 60, afther some seconds it made a incredible dropdown to 9 fp/s. So I asked on in a topic why the game was slowing down like that. Someone told me to set the pulsemode on always sensors off, if possible. So I turned almost all always pulse modes off. When I tested the test again, the fp/s was 60 and stays 60.
If you muse the culling script of Saint_pill, you have to set pulsemode at always sensors off, for all objects insteed of the camera with the culling script.
Also you have to notice that useing textures which are opengl supported like size in bits: 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128 and so on.
I’ll hope this will work.
That’s your problem right there. Get at least 128 megs of ram, and only a 366 processor? You might want to upgrade, you’re never going to get a game that has like 500 polies on that computer. I’d definetly suggest an upgrade, a comp that could handle blender would only cost you like 200 bucks without moniter/keyboard and all that.
do you have any scripts running over and over and over? a culling script could slow it down if it keeps adding objects over and over…
Well, I didn’t use the Culling script at all, as I’m not totally sure how to set it up.
I made a scene (online somwhere) where I got 10 minutes per frame in software, 5fps in hardware (is a voodoo 3 2000 better than a tnt2?))
AFAIK, definately not.
or maybe your textures are huge or something
That might be possible, most of my textures are 256x256, 256x512 or 512x512. Do they classify as huge?
That’s your problem right there. Get at least 128 megs of ram, and only a 366 processor? You might want to upgrade, you’re never going to get a game that has like 500 polies on that computer. I’d definetly suggest an upgrade, a comp that could handle blender would only cost you like 200 bucks without moniter/keyboard and all that.
Hmm… I’m going to upgrade, but not until next year because I just don’t want to compromise on computer hardware anymore, and in order to build a power tower I’ll need 2700€. I’m still 900€ short. But then, then my friend, it will be pure Athlon 64 goodness with dual-channel DDRAM and the fastest videocard available. And probably slightly overclocked. 8)
In order to get the file downloadable I’ll need a host. Know any good free ones? Uploading it might take a while though on my 64kbps single channel ISDN. I sucks to own a crap computer.
. But then, then my friend, it will be pure Athlon 64 goodness with dual-channel DDRAM and the fastest videocard available. icon_biggrin.gif And probably slightly overclocked. icon_cool.gif
This is getting on my nerves! I double checked if I’ve set up everything exactly like the canyon demo and what is the result?
Line 53
Attribute error “tilelist”
Is my python.dll corrupted or something when no scripts seem to work properly in my creations? :x (Or am I a dumbass who seems to FUBAR every script he touches? :-? )
The only difference is I haven’t spit up the island in tiles, insted I’ve linked chairs, tables, the bar desk, even houses to the script.
Free hosting, anyone? If I am supposed to get this on the web for dl-ing I need a free host.
If you get an attribute error that means that tilelist doesnt exist, u must of spelled something wrong
Check your spelling, thats were most errors occur.
The canyon demo works for me, I also used that demo to create culling in my landschape test. I didn’t had any problems, just check if you spelled the words in the properties right, maybe that will solve the problem. also check that some always sensors must have pulse mode Off. It’s a really easy culling system to set up, only finding the size of your landschape part and the right view distance will take some time. 8)
I can’t find the tile_list anywhere in the canyon demo, where should it be and do I need to create one? The Tile_setup script does say it creates a tile_list if there isn’t one, but right now it seems like I just can’t get even the simplest script working.
Very, very confused. :-?
That might not necessarily be a problem, tilelist is created by one script and used by another, so the first time the actual culling script runs, the tilelist might not yet exist, hence the error. On the next ‘run’ tilelist should have been created so it’ll work fine. does the error appear only once in the console? if it prints repeatedly then there’s a problem.
The only difference is I haven’t spit up the island in tiles, insted I’ve linked chairs, tables, the bar desk, even houses to the script.
err…how many individual objects do you have in the scene? the problem with my script is it works fine up to a certain number of objects, then the time it takes to work out the visibility is longer than the time it would take to just draw everything anyway. If you want to use the script i suggest you create tiles from your environment, and join all the objects in a tile together (with my environments i treat everything within a tile as a single object).
Anyway, i’ll shut up now , if you can’t get it uploaded maybe you could email it? [email protected]
I am no guru, but I have had great success with saint_pill’s culling script (24 palm trees with 500+ polys can’t lie).
The one thing I keep having problems with is the axis direction for the empty’s parented to the camera (I always put it in the wrong direction, then nothing works right).
If I can help, please let me know. I am using 3 different scripts for the various visibility distances (long, medium, and short) and it seems to work well so far.
(So, what is the maximum amount of polys that can be used for the script withought a slowdown?)
(So, what is the maximum amount of polys that can be used for the script withought a slowdown?)
That depends on your computer really, the main problem is the number of individual objects. I’ve had about 400 running ok, but it starts to become a problem above 250/300.
So it’s the number of objects not the number of polys?
and…the more I join objects together the better, yes?
(makes sense, because there would be less objects, duh).
Anyway, any help to the original post I can give, please ask.
And for you, saint_pill, thank you for the script.
this depends on your system how much it is that way, if you have an acclerated video card (that blender uses) it will make less of a difference (adding more objects).
well, i have abolutely no idea what your doing… :-?
Yes it shows up all the time and makes a long pretty list in the console…
that means tile_list isnt being created, which means the ‘tile_setup’ script isn’t running at all…I really need to see what your doing before I can help, sorry, is there any way you could replicate the setup in a smaller file?
Sorry I can’t tell you more…