This is my latest project, this is my personal interpretation of the Hulkbuster model.
Great Job!!!
Impressive model and render…Awesome!
Thanks !!!
Thanks friend!!!
Nice work! Just curious but what modifiers did you use if any?
thanks, only the subdivision surface has been used as modifier, no addon or other has been used.
very well made and deserving to be a featured image. Well done
Awesome model, I love the turn around render! Have you use some reference?
Yes I have used the Hulkbuster blue print, and some other pictures taken from the web.
Very impressive modeling and render! Great efforts must have been input to such a great work. I wonder how long have you been working on this project?
Thanks, i have spent one month for modelling and texturing, but no more than one hour for day.
Itss look like Iron Man. Nice job it is very impressive.
This is a real Iron Man version called Hulkbuster!!!
Great job!!!
extreme detailing…brilliant job…
Amazing work, so much detail on the model .
Bit too much rust in my opinion though, I’m not expert in metals but it just makes me feel like it’s made of something the hulk would easily squish.