human head+hand, started texturing, c+c plz

i haven’t posted any of my work for awhile, haven’t rilly dun much.

i tried sss on my head and it makes the render extremely blurry, what’s casing this? there dosent seem to be much sss effect on the ear?

ive mostly finished the ear, im a bit confused on how to connect it to the head


Doesn’t look blurry to me. Care to post an image without SSS?

tried putting lights from BEHIND the ear??

heres the image with no sss, the sss render is blury around the mouth.

i have got lights behond the ear


if your head and your ear are two separate objects, you can join them by either <spacebar>, ‘object’, ‘join objects,’ or just CTRL+J. then when they’re joined into one object, go into your editing mode, and kind of sew it together, grabbing a vertex from the head and a vertex from the ear (where they should connect) and <spacebar>, ‘edit’, ‘vertices’, ‘merge,’ or just ALT+M, then merge to center.

problem with joining the head to the ear is there isant enugh verts on the head and too meny on the ear

i’m having that problem too although because of it I havent started the ear

I had the same problems with my ears… in the end i used tris:yes:

it was the only way i knew how…:stuck_out_tongue:

heres some ear join pictures from my model.

i hope this helps


First finish the back of the ear. While you are modeling this part, you can reduce the number of vertices you’ll have to eventually connect to the head. When it comes time to actually do the stitching together part, using H to hide the rest of the head and most of the ear can help. Ears are tricky little beasts, good luck.

thanks for your support;)

ive got it connected to the head, i had to use a few triangles.


can you help me with the skin material plz?



Easiest way to do the skin material is to visit elephant’s dream website, download Proog or Emo model and use their skin material (I did it).

Go light with the SSS color setting, the skin will look less waxy…

Great looking model, by the way!

Yes, sss is needed, try with skin preset on sss panel.
Add a color map, with a white and pig cellular, add some wrinkels with your wacom tabblet, and some beauty spot.

After that, you copy your color map to another photoshop document, and make it gray scale. Add this map to bump channel of your material.

Duplicate the bump and add some wet zones, and set it to specular channel.

Render and enjoy… lol

This is some example of bump map for a human head model

I have just seen, your hear is good. Very important to make realistic.

Boog modeling so.

heres what it looks like with my refrance images badly uv mapped to the modal

how do you unwrap a head? were do the seems need to go? ear wont unwap verry well


i dont think its that bad mapped but anyway here is how i always place my seams for a head. For the ears i cant help you i always have much trouble with them as well as well.


can someone draw on my wire frame’s to show were i need to put the seems plz. especially on the ear!


sorry, dident reed previous post propaly. that works fine apart from the bit around the chin, witch cases overlaping
should i apply the mirror modifier?


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how you mean overlapping?
anyway if you mean overlapping in the uv screen you need to move around some verts and pin them so nothing overlaps.

And why would you need a mirror modifier? you have a whole head so i dont think you need it.