Human meta rig eyes not working?

Ok, so I hate rigging and I don’t really know what I’m doing and it’s becoming really frustrating.
I’m using rigify with the human meta rig, and no matter what I do I can’t get my characters eyes to work. I’ve tried weight painting them, I’ve tried parenting them to the rig, I’ve tried parenting them to the body mesh, I’ve tried locking location, etc. Nothing works. The most I can get them to do is move, not rotate.
I haven’t added or removed any bones from the rig and I made sure not to disconnect anything while I was setting it up, but it still won’t work. I can’t get the hair, teeth, or glasses to work properly either, but the eyes are the most frustrating part. I don’t know what to do.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

First, you’re not supposed to use the meta-rig. You’re supposed to use it to generate an actual (non-meta) rig.

Second, IIRC, rigify is intended for the eye meshes to bone parented, not armature deformed, by the eyebones. The eyebones are set to not deform.

Here, try this first:

  1. If the eye meshes are not yet a separate object, separate them. Each individual eye mesh should be its own object.

  2. If the eye meshes have any modifiers, delete them. If the eye meshes have any constraints, delete them.

  3. Select an eye mesh in object, shift select its eye bone, switch to pose mode if not already in and make sure eye bone is active selection. Ctrl-p -> bone relative. Test the eye bone.

If you have problems after that, I’d want to look at a .blend.