Human modeling tutorials

Heres some great tutorials that aren’t program specific and very well done: :slight_smile:

very nice! :smiley:

Thanks for sharing, very nice tutorials.

Very valuable. Thanx.

Just one draw back, Blender is limited then what that program can do.

i think any kind of character …no matter how much complex it is can be modelled in blender.atleast i had no problem modeling some realistic human figures in blender in recent times.

I don’t know, it looks like the selection of the vertex is alot less confusing and quicker then it would be in Blender, there’s a method of creating charaters with path, but to model from a block I wonder how you go about it, is there a tutorial on how to do this in Blender ?

Box modeling is possible in Blender, just not very useful. Blender’s modeling tools don’t give an easy way to box model, as is done with this tutorial.

this guy is simply extruding the body from the neck.i don’t know if its a good idea or what…but i have seen nobody do that before.also he is extruding the ears from the head.this also seems weird.when i model i model the ear separately, and then join it with the head.this way you can have total control over modeling the ear.

Actually it is a good idea, it is possible and I have done it this way (I mean extrude the rest of the body from the neck…)…

The only difference is that I didn’t extrude the ears from the head, because I was “reluctand” to do so (didn’t want to screw the model…), so I modelled them separately… But now that I have encountered the difficulties of modelling the ear, I think it is possible and next time I’ll try to extrude it out of the head’s sides…

The character may seem a little bit crappy, but that’s more because I didn’t have previous experience… The technique is o.k.

Just one note, I didn’t exactly used, box modelling technique, but my aproach is very similar…

I’m in the process of writing a tutorial, on that matter… Ohhh and it’s going to be veeeeerrrrry much Blender specific:wink:



any technique that gives you the right result is ok…but still there are a few scientific ways of modeling.

In fact there aren’t any scientific, ways to produce art in general…

If that happens, you end up becoming just a “number on a uniform” and your art becomes a product…

Still, things like techniques, “waves” and “schools” do exist…

And you definetely need to automate, to memorize some steps, if you want to reproduce the same "dance’ again, as close to the original, as possible…

But this is acceptable as long as you do not remain static… One must definetely try new things and further, develop his own personal style…

