Human Progress

Does your eye have the tear meniscus? That is the thin tear line that you see in the eyeball and eyelid collision…

Yes it does but I might have to tweak it a bit more, I think it’s maybe a bit too flat and broad right now.

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Regarding mirroring drivers, do I understand correctly that you did this through custom properties?

@stereophonica If you can add a transparent blur to the meniscus geometry without blurring the reflections or revealing the meniscus edges as well, that would be the way to go. I haven’t found a way to do it after years of trying though…

@Robin_Gunningham No I haven’t touched custom properties. Does that provide a means of mirroring drivers?


I recently tried to fix that issue and I may have found a solution. The issue is, that there doesn’t seem to be one node group which can give us thin tips and also roots at once, for that reason I added 2 hair info nodes, one for the tips and one for a smooth root transition. The 2nd hair info needs to have “replace radius” turned off. Also a warning: If you use that node setup, the preview of the hair disappears from the OpenGL preview but it works in rendered and rendered preview.


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I’m not entirely sure if you can mirror drivers via custom properties, I didn’t succeed by the way. This bad advice was taken from Reddit. Is there a driver manual on your site? I can’t find an explanation anywhere online :((

Hey chris, so im currently copying what you did with the universal human body rig onto one of my own rigs, and i just have a question for the action/finger curl. Since my rig uses IK fingers like yours, and I have made the animation and added the action constraints to the fingers, I was just wondering, did you use some sort of driver or custom property to make it so that the finger curl still moves even while having the fingers on their IK constraint? or did you just use different constraints? thanks

There are two separate finger curl actions, one for IK and one for FK, and a driver on the Influence property of each Action constraint, so one is set to 1.0 and the other to 0.0 depending on the position of the IK/FK switch (assuming I’m understanding your question correctly).

Hello again. I found a quick way to mirror drivers, but this method seems very suspicious to me because of its simplicity. In order to mirror, I select the shape key with the left hand driver and press +New Shape from Mix, as a result, I then have a new shape key 2. I rename it to Arm_R and set the value to 1.000. Then I hide the checkbox on Arm_L. I mirror the shape of the Arm_R, as a result of which I will see the change in the mesh on the Arm_R. I copy the driver from the Arm_L to the Arm_R. I go to the driver editor and change the Bone_L to the Bone_R. Voila! I did not see the need to convert the curve, this can be done without it

That’s fine for a few simple drivers, but it’s when you have hundreds of them, many of which consist of multiple variables tied together with expressions, and curves with multiple keyframes and multiple bezier handles, that it gets to be a hassle.


ohh yeah, i tried mirroring through curves, but unfortunately i still didn’t understand how to make the copied driver affect the right side of the mesh, not just show the change of sliders

Do you sell your work on other websites apart from gum road?

Edit: Removed Image.


No, that looks like pirated content…

And welcome to the community!


Nope, only on Gumroad. The infringements have been reported - thanks for bringing it to my attention!


The problem is:
It’s looks un-commercial by having .org but then it has no adress of any organisation or responsible person… or imprint.

So a user who downloaded content from this can not blame them but could be sued oneslef…

They “maybe” even collect the users data for this !! (login!) :question:


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Hi @ChrisJones , hope you are doing great! I was wondering if you are going to release the separate Arm Rig(shown in the 4k video u posted) anytime sooner? I would really like to know on what day are you going to release it. it will a great addon for my projects. hope you reply, thanks!

I don’t have a specific release date, but it should be relatively soon unless something goes horribly horribly wrong.

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@ChrisJones ok thanks for the updates, hope the release is sooner. cheers!

Hi @ChrisJones, I love your content,
but I dont quite understand your product lineup.

Can you please give me a straight answer what do I need to buy to have a rigged hand with texture maps, ready to render.

Hand textures aren’t available yet, and the hand rig is only available as part of the full-body rigs. Textures and tendons will be released separately along with a stand-alone arm rig.

It won’t be immediately ready to render, as there’s some assembly required (otherwise there would need to be versions for every possible combination of components).

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