Human retopology (advice welcome)

It’s been a while since I tried to update this basemesh.

Improvements and mistakes were made since then. I didn’t even use it all that much in the end, but when I did some issues became more evident.

Anyway, I thought it’s time to re-work it a bit, fix shapes, move some poles around (now I know some places where I absolutely don’t want them to be).
Quads are great and all but I’ve found that it’s better to collapse breast topology into a point at the peak - it becomes easier to modify, it keeps natural shape and doesn’t create annoying artifacts at four poles when subdivided (in exchange you get a star, sure, but it turned out to be a much lesser evil).

Green for cyclic loops going all the way around the form, yellow for U-shaped, blue are just rectangle patches of quads.

Still stuck trying to properly connect fingers. It got to a point where I spent a whole night trying to solve the hand topology… in my sleep :crazy_face: