Hybrid bio-mechanical F1 Update 16/04

The lack of a fast and convinient internet conection has prevented regular WIP so here it is in umm…what else state:


C & C please… I need some outside advice…

Its pretty hard to see the details because of that spot halo, but from what I CAN see, I like it.

keep it up


FREAKY concept! Nice render. SHow us more!


Wow, it looks great so far!

wow, cool idea. Can’t wait 2 see it done. I do agree with Dante though, the bright light kinda makes the whole thing blurry. :wink:


Thanks for the comments, the scene was certainly a little washed out in places. The problem is trying to strike the right balance between impact and detail.

Finally I have updated the scene, less glare plus some spots on key parts of the racers.
Few more details also…



very reacky, can’t say I have many crits.

I like the way you added the lamp…

overall good work
