Hybrid rhyno

So this is a project for a submission to BGAE2 and is the first time I sculpted, eva!

Just wanted to share so if someone can point out something ( off course you will )
The ears I will still be doing them straight out of the head mesh.

All in matcaps and one with some materials.
I’m doing this on Blender 2.8, but now im stuck because when I click in the material tab, blender crashes :neutral_face: , so I have the opportunity to share it here.

Edit: latest update with textures.

The issue here is thinking that 2.8 is ready for full production work, it is not.

It is still in a heavily WIP state and many changes are coming in daily (so crashes and other bugs are all but expected).

If you want a production-grade build, then the choices are either the official 2.79b release or the latest master build from the buildbot.

Oh no but I know that :stuck_out_tongue: I knew all the risks… every other project I’m on, is on 79… :wink:
I just wanted to do something powered by eevee, and sculpt I guess was a good test, even though matcaps for me are cooler.

But I guess I’ll just remove every material from the model and do the post in PS or something. This head is for a poster with lots of effects so it doesn’t need a great deal of realism.

Another option is to try your luck with a later buildbot build. Because of all of the changes taking place, your crash issue might be resolved tomorrow (but at the cost that something else might crash).

Y! Living the alpha tester life :stuck_out_tongue:

That isn’t the one on the experimental page? ( I already eared that term but never went to look up what it is :pensive: )

You have the latest 2.8 builds from here right?

The latest was built just last night.

Yh yh I’m downloading a new build every day… The problem persists for about 4 days now. I’ve report it but I know public releases - and ones of an alpha product - aren’t a priority. So for me it’s cool :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: latest update with textures. Already being used here: