I am a newbie, looking 4 help to make a human + make it fly

I am a newbie to blender and i have no idea hopw to make half of the things work. I am also very interested in making home movies. I want to try to create a human shape, put texture on it, and make it fly around.
Can you help??
or please give me a link to something that can help me??


this a list of current tutorials, start there, then learn how to make it fly! :smiley:

If you are new to Blender, you may want to start with something simpler than a human form. I know, how about a Formula 1 car! Oh wait… that contest is over… :wink:

Seriously, start with something mechanical like a spacecraft first. The human form is harder than it looks.

Welcome to Blender and elYsiun! You will like it here!

One option would be to model a human by hand but this needs some experience. As dreamsgate wrote you should first go through some tutorials.
A faster way would be to use the “makehuman” skript. I’m sure you will find the link with the search function.

To make a complex object like a human model fly you will need amatures.
To deal with them you also should first do some experiments with some tutorials.

CurtisS, this time you won. Congrats :wink: