I am back! ..and lost all of my websites and pics...

Hi again everyone.
I moved to a new house and at the same time I have “less time” for Blender.
I also switched from DSL to Cable, which means that all of my Blender pics, websites, tutorials and videos on the old server are now gone.
I have managed to poke around with other computers and pop in the forum here, without posting anything yet until today.
Anyhow, the new look of the forum here looks nice, but I miss the old style. I am little rusty with some of the Blender stuff (but I did upgrade to the newest version with the newest YafRay too), so I will probably be asking some noob questions again.

What’s up with everyone coming back lately? :smiley:
Welcome back to the community :wink:
‘n’ don’t worry. We’ll answer your questions as long as you don’t ask us how to make a MMORPG :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi spin:


your website was archived >.>

Wow, that archive website is awesome.

I have the Soda Can tutorial on CD/DVD, I got to find a website to host it. Actually, all of my websites are backed up on disk.

Welcome back Spin! I’ve been wondering where you were.

Hey yeah! Welcome back!

(Like I’m one to talk.:))

We missed you.

Welcome Back!
Good to hear your well. I wondered what happened to you. I missed that creepy avatar:cool:

Thanks to whomever archived the Soda Can website. Although none of the pictures are showing up! On top of that all of my PM’s to Spin have been ignored so far.

I’ve been looking for this tutorial ever since it went down. At least now I know there is some hope of getting it back! I love this tutorial, as it’s what got me started in blender!

If anyone knows how I can get a hold of Spin so I can email him and request the files I would appreciate a response or PM.

Welcome back Spin! I offered way-back-when to host your tuts…you never replied…

It doesn’t look like he’s been here since Feb 1st. It’s been a while.
I hope he’s OK and nothing has happened! :eek: