There is a lot of numbers, where is the camera width so that I can put it in here?
What is the focal length?
I see the sensor width and the possible focal length in your data… so…
Also: if i remember correctly the focal lenght can be guessed by the software especially i f you got the range… but i did no camera tracking for a while and also was no super expert in this…
I was hoping the software can guess it, but I notice it doesn’t change the sensor width but instead, changing the sensor width or focal length manually changes the optical center and lens distortion k1, k2 and k3, but Blender will not change the sensor width, so it seems Blender took what is default or manually entered as canon and will not change it based on tracking footage.
I still don’t know what the sensor width is.
This ??
Thank you for taking the time to do the crop, but that’s just it, it is showing the actual physical width, not the 35mm equivalent that Blender requires.
There was something about refinment of values maybe have a look at point 3.) here:
You are being helpful and I appreciate it.
Am I correct to assume that that data from the camera spec sheet does not contain the camera width data that Blender needs ?
I am afraid that problem is getting common now
Utilizing the “Refine” method as you have suggested causes the error to go down to 0.23, which is really good, but that was by Blender attempting to modify the Lens distortion K1 to K3, Optical center data and Focal Length, all the while leaving the Sensor width as it is.
Hence it can be reasoned that it is “compensating” around a non-truth.
Is there no way to get the 35mm equivalent of this or any camera? Since nowadays this is what is given more commonly.
These are the full specs available from Sony.
It’s a 3:2 sensor, so obviously it’s not using the full to record record video.
Blender cannot guess the focal length; you need to look at what is used on the camera when the footage is shot, if it’s not recorded in the file metadata.
Hello Thorn.
The thing is…if you take a picture and transfer it to your computer, you can right click on the file and see actual lens data, which is so cool.
But you can’t right click on the mp4 to get the same lens data unfortunately.
Some cameras record this data, some with more detail than others (such as per frame).
There is a sensor width, a image resolution width but i doubt you need any “camera width”…
…and i still do not get what you mean by saying:
It’s the focal lenght… you might even use
on some images.
Or if you have taken the footage yourself make some photos at the same location with different focal length to guess the used one…
It’s also somekind of it’s on art / science to choose the best camera solving algorithm…