I am having trouble following a tutorial (modelling the mouth section)

Hello people,

like the title is saying: im following the character for animation course on youtube from crossmind studios. excluding the form of the head, which i dont focus on in this example, i dont know how to get the mouth area nice, withoud those surface issues, which are displayed in the screenshot ive made. Thanks for help! I tried a lot of topology-tutorials, but i just dont get the problem tbh.

Welcome :tada:…
if you mean this:

it seems to be quit nicely explained…


if im adding loops (like in the tutorial im getting this unevenness, and i dont know why

Hi, image of your wireframe will help to see why.

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Th middle lines do have no curvation on the x axis; also beeing denser than the rest… so when using the subdiv modifier thenyou “ordered” it to be very straight…

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Like Okidoki said you have too many loops on the nose and not enough round the mouth. see the original:

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thank u okidoki…damn feeling like a noob lol

Proper ask questions will always be answered here! That what’s this community is about…


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I think the problem with a lot of these tutorials is that the adverts cut your line of concentration.

Think i made somehow…but i cant reacht the form of the ogmodel in the tutorial, i dont know, what im doing wrong, or if its even possible without reference…what do u you think? is it my skill?

Nothing is ever is perfect… not on the first trial nor after a years… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Just keep going… think about when you started to write the first letters and words… for some people their “writing” is even after years of practice : cryptically … or “calligrahically extra ordinary”… (or both).

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I think you did very well for a first time face topology.
Don’t forget to also check from side view.

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okay i understand :slight_smile:

yes i did thx :slight_smile:

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