The animation is base on a 2d game soldat, it is a really cool game (worm +cs). I have the scrip all in my head, i just need to scetch it (i am a good scetcher btw ) i will post my ORIGINAL scetched and it was actualy a bit different with the model i created cause i want it to be more comical…and not realistic…i will fulltime work on it probably in this summer holyday!! yay!!!
Looking good. The cell shading doesn’t show very well, maybe a bit more extreme… His feet look a bit small… chin strap doesn’t show to well.
If you need and specific help on something you are trying to do try to find a tutorial, there is a list at the start of the Q&A forum, andif that fails post a question, you should get the anwer quickly.
i just learn character animation and it is actualy pretty easy
This is just an animation of the soldatguy in the attacking position but i think he need a weapon and more longer pose but it dosen mather cause the important thing is i know the basic tehnique of character animation:
hmm, seems to be leaning back a little too far, and its like he’s sort of creeping too. sretch his legs out a bit and give him a bit more of a lean forward
Tried to stretch the leg at the first test and it look so unreal, normal people dont walk like that, it needs to have that relax feal and smooth, i think it look good, matbe the angle give u different feal
hmm, looks like he would fall on his arse straight away, his lower legs are constantly in front of his body. his feet should spend about half the time in front, and half behind his center of gravity < his middle>, and i still recon his knees are too bent
Hey ada89 Iv’e been following your posts and have to say that your getting closer. Couple of things that I noticed is your cycle is one or two frames off from being smooth. there is a slight hesitation from it ending and begining. (not sure if that makes sense) Also give him alittle bit of upper body movement, his spin should bend just slightly, and I think GFX is right about the knees being bent just a little too much. I know how frustrating it can be I’m trying to do the same thing. (walk cycle) Good luck and keep trying. You’ll get it.
I think it took something like 0.3 second for the player to playback the thing again…to make it loop…so i think it depend how fast ur pc. I will try to fix that anyway
Solder need to walk like a solder :P, i will try to fix knees thing and some other thing as u suggest.