I am Sorry If i Offended Anyone.

I would Like to say sorry if i offended any one with my last signiture, it was just a joke to see if anyone would tell me off because of what is said. i put it there to see if it would cause a reaction and it did and i have removed it i am sorry it was just a joke. please dont be mad at me. it was just bad taste in humor and i will not do it again i am sorry.

Daniel L. Vander Meer II

hehe. it did bug me a bit, but I’m used to it and usually ignore it.

no prob though… thanks for your consideration and sincerity. 8)


What did your signature say>?

yo yo yo i think you should stick the damn thing back up.

whats a world if you can’t laugh at silly old god belivers LOL

i mean how many religous people have had a good laugh at other religious nuts that comes knocking on their door, because their religion is worse ???

how many religious nuts have come to you face and quoted the bible saying you were gonna go to hell??

how many religious nuts does it take to change a lightbulb??

how many gods are there out there??

and how many religions all over the world belive in god??

how many times will alltaken get beaten up???

(p.s. i was being silly, my new best friend is an absolute religious nut, but i get along with her better than anyone else, why? because she has such similar morals to me)


You wimp, if you really think your sig is right then BACK IT UP.
Stupid people making bold statements and not backing them up annoys me… (coughcubefancough)

No i dont think it is right i just put it on there to see if i would get a negitive responce. and i am not a wimp.


it said

God Is an Illusion Created By Ingnorant Men

so whats wrong with that???

i don’t see how its any different from the bible saying that non-belivers are gonna go to hell. LOL

honestly religion is created by ignorant men, because if you think about it, ingnorance is the fact of not knowing somthing. so god was created to help understand and explain the universe, so that ignorant people could feel as though they were not so ignorant about the universe afterall.

so my argument is that your saying is not offensive, but that it is factual in a way that may be taken as being offensive.

Alltaken (p.s. everyone is ignorant about somthing)

it’s even better if you spell it correctly :wink:


lbzd210 it was a great signature, it’s a lame u took it out, may i use it

lbzd210 it was a great signature, it’s a lame u took it out, may i use it

i dont care if you use it. it was just a joke.

i’ll use it too.

hey varg lets get as many people as we can to use the same signature LOL


alltaken that’s a hell of an increible an athiest idea, i’ll place a topic bout it

Allthough I can’t really judge whether your signuture should be considered insulting or not, I guess, since you removed it and apologized about it, it shows that you are a person with conscience and this matters more than words or quote’s or sig’s…

Don’t change…


“el que pica es porque aji come”

I think the signature is great… no offense meant to anyone but… give it a thought… ok?

no entendí un karajo de lo que acabaste de escribir euronando… :expressionless::smiley:

I actually agree with that sig, after all, people created the idea of God to explain things he could not understand, therefore God was indeed created by ignorant men (although it could have sufficed to say: God is an illusion created by men, but people wouldn’t understand what you meant).

Varg Black: Ignorant is spelled ignorant, not ingnorant.

P.S. I plan to use this on another forum, I think It’s a greatly true statement.

all of u that want to still discuss on this topic please switch to this thread it’s hotter in here https://blenderartists.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14964&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15

alltaken: what a bad idea that was

alltaken: what a bad idea that was

even though i am not alltaken. it was a bad idea… :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: