I am tired of constantly being attacked for trying to do something good

This is way, way off topic, but I am a mess right now and just need to vent, maybe. I have mentioned some time ago that I rescue cats. At this point, the only reason I do 3D work is to find a way to finance my rescue work better, to be honest.

About a year ago, a vet euthanized a cat without consent after an expensive operation. I filed a proper complaint with authorities, and have since at least had it confirmed that their work was sloppy. The verdict is still not in on wether they broke the rules. But they decided to flip the script on me and accuse me of animal abuse, telling a lot of tall tales about how I handled animals that they had never even seen, much less knew anything medical about. Sadly, nobody checked up on their claims, and I had to file a separate complaint when someone showed up and out of the blue wanted to see every animal. She seemed completely insane and suddenly started talking about how healthy cats should be put down and how “it would be easier if you just have them all killed”. She then went on to make insane claims, too, almost as if she had been encouraged by the accused vet to find dirt on me.

Well, I just found out that a lot has been going on behind my back, and others have been out here to check up on the animals. They gave the all clear, no remarks at all, but the damage is done. No matter how well I treat the animals and how hard I fight for them, people find ways to beat on me if I don’t give them money or something like it. People have been trying to scam and extort me for years, especially vets who turned out more shady than I had ever expected (false vaccines cost lives a few years ago, for example). And now these people are demanding payment for making checks on my work. It’s a couple of hundred dollars, not the end of the world, although yeah, Christmas gifts are going to be postponed this year (luckily, most I know are on a “no gift exchange” deal, so it’s just my nieces, really). But I am so f-cking tired of being everybody’s punching bag because I try to help some animals that they don’t even care about. It’s all BS, all about who can browbeat whom into submission. It’s people who break rules and lie and get enraged when someone calls them out for it. And I am just… so… f-cking… tired. And now, I am also scared that someone will just show up for the hell of it to threaten me and the animals, because apparently, they can just do that, with no consequences for them even if they make provably false accusations (the one who showed up unannounced actually included photos that contradict her claims, and nobody seems to care).

I am tired. I am so very, very, very tired. If I just let the animals die in horrible conditions somewhere instead of helping, everybody would be practically cheering me on. But no, I have to get beaten, kicked and spit on for actually giving a damn. And I am just… so… god… damn… tired.

Sorry for venting.


Unfortunately you are not alone and it is not just cats, I reared a pigeon that fell out of the nest and ended up taking him to a pigeon sanctuary because he can not fly properly. He is now happily mated and living with other pigeons.

The sanctuary has had loads of similar problems and I know of others for different animals too.

Stay strong their little lives are worth it.


Thanks. Yeah, I even saw something about that P-nut squirrel, which just freaking horrifies me. In my old(er) age I am starting to become very anti-establishment, with all the abuse of power and outright lying going on. I feel powerless SPECIFICALLY because I do not want to use lies, threats and the like to get my way, and it just seems insane to me. Especially because it all seems to be extremely petty, little grudge things and stupid, easily disproven but still taken for truth kinds of lies. I feel like I am going insane, at the very least with paranoia, but it seems like the insanity is the world around me! I have no idea how to deal with this, BECAUSE I WAS RAISED TO BE HONEST! This world is Kafka’s wet nightmare…

I have nothing against pigeons, but statistically, they are more dangerous to humans than rats as they spread many diseases. I don’t blame the pigeons as they have become this way as a fault of the filth and rubbish that humans live in. Still, it’s important to spread awareness(especially to children) that pigeons are not some fluffy pet, but are in fact prolific carriers of potentially fatal diseases.

Pigeon droppings can contain harmful bacteria and fungi, attracting pests like flies and cockroaches. These birds are also known to carry dozens of diseases.

  • Histoplasmosis: Fungal Infection Affecting Lungs & Causing Flu-Like Symptoms
  • Cryptococcosis: Fungal Infection Affecting Lungs & Resulting In Meningitis In Severe Cases
  • Salmonellosis: Bacterial Infection Causing Diarrhea, Fever, & Abdominal Cramps
  • E. Coli: Bacteria Resulting In Food Poisoning
  • Psittacosis: Bacterial Infection Causing Fever, Headache, & Muscle Aches
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I feel that. My whole life has been negative responsiveness to just being a nice guy.

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Well, there is a saying that “no good deed goes unpunished”. There is a reason for that saying sadly.

One has to realize that we don’t live in Elysium or any other mythical paradise and life is what it is. Don’t give up being a nice person just because it doesn’t always pay. Sometimes it does pay in a major way. Just not always or often.

In the end you have to live with yourself and try to have no regrets no matter what others think.


Do you network with other cat or animal rescuers in your city or region or perhaps something on the national level? Is there a certification process for your activity? Registered as a charity?

Have you invited the local media to find support?

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I did. Nothing but infighting and territorial anger issues. So I estavlished my own.

Only if you seek funds. I have been financinf everything myself for about 8 years now. No, it has not been cheap, yes, there have been things more costly than this, but this is the first time I have been threatened in my own home.

I am finally getting ready to do so. I am a private person and hate making loud noises, but I feel a need to warn other pet owners that these people can legally force their way into private homes at will, without any warning or paperwork or even reasonable doubt. It is beyond insane.


True. But it seems really extreme in cases like this. Like being punched in the face because you donated to a homeless shelter. The punishment does not seem to fit the “crime”.

I am fine with it not paying. I pay a fortune to feed and care for them, out of my own pocket, month after month. But the fact that I then have to pay as a punishment for doing so is just unacceptable. This crap is why people get radicalized. I am not really on the Luigi Mangione bandwagon, but I do understand a bit where it comes from…

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I am tired of toughening up, been doing that for about forty years now. I want the world to get it’s crap together and STRAIGHTEN up! I just caught these @#$#@@# in yet another lie, in writing and on camera. They do nothing but lie and threaten. Total mafia style. And these are essentially government workers. Why do I have to play by the same rules they so casually wipe their certain body parts with? This is insanity and I am so, so TIRED of being on the receiving end of it!!!

The world never stops, even when it’s life is on the line for their evil works. They will continue to the point of death. They love death, not life. To them doing rightful things is foolish. Some of them have turned good into evil, and evil into good. The majority of them are condemned, and they will not change. For them to change, it’s their decision.

It has been like this, in all of recorded history. What happens is eventually something destroys them, then it starts all over again. A man’s heart is evil.

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I could not have said it better myself. However, the reality of it does not make me less tired. Or less angry about how they hide behind lies on top of lies on top of lies, and nobody does anything. I would love to be the thing that destroys them, but I am so very, very tired…

Just out of curiosity – where do you live and how many cats do you actually have in your household?

FYI: My wife and I have been very involved in “pet resue” for dozens of years now. Unfortunately, along the way we have seen many “extreme” things, some of which have actually resulted in criminal convictions. However, we simply try to focus on each animal as it comes. Some of them we have been able to “rescue.” Some of them we adopted ourselves. Some remain to this day “inaccessible,” while now in a forever-protected(!) place. While others we have had to bury. In the latter case, we simply tried to give them “final peace.”


This graphic isn’t about cats nor pets in general. It’s all about grabbing attention … what you do with all that attention is up to you.

Any kind of energy, negative or positive, can be leveraged.

Best wishes.

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A few years ago I wrote a book titled: The Worst Kind of People; How to identify and avoid energy vampires." Unfortunately, there are times when there is no way to escape an encounter. I’m in one right now with a sibling who matches at least two of the profiles in my book.

I do animal rescue as well: feral cats, raccoons and whatever looks like it needs a helping hand back up. There is no escaping those who seem wired not to care about anyone but themselves and they often push their way into a position of authority by intimidating everyone else. And then they write the legislation to enforce their selfish values system. It’s a sh** storm out there.

Good luck, from a fellow traveller.

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I bought a huge house in rural Denmark ten years ago (just paid off the minor one of my loans on it), and found out NOBODY wants to visit rural areas, so it’s just this huge, empty house. Except for the 20+ cats and me.

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Sounds like a great situation then.

I guess try to find a better vet in the area. It’s difficult.

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One important thing is to establish social connection of trust with a vet so this way you would be definitely sure that things will be smooth.

The vet we currently know in our family, was someone my father met about 30+ years ago (since I was a kid back then) and eventually we ended up going all of our animals for all this time.

I don’t know, in some cases there are various large vet clinics, but there the doctors are employees, and the the high-managers speak perfect legalese. In such occations transactions can become cold and impersonal (no personal connection of client with the vet doctor).

I would not go as far as suggesting to look at starting a “non profit organization” but in any case if things make sense and if feasible probably this is an option too. It would probably give you certain other advantages in terms of taxation or even perhaps with legal leverage (less chances that shady vets will pull a trick – for private individuals could be far easier to pull sneaky tricks – but I doubt that someone would have to guts to pull a sneaky trick on a “legal entity” they know nothing about.

These are just ideas and options, still you would have to think this carefully.

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The bummer is, I have two good vets (although one does not have a facility for majot surgery), but I was starting to build trust with this clinic. They even did some shady stuff a few months before, but the one doing the surgery had seemed trustworthy. Ut jyst tyrned out none of them could be trusted. I jyst beat myself up about being too trusting with people. It’s a bad habit.