I am tired of constantly being attacked for trying to do something good

See the above answer about trusting people. But yeah. As for the other stuff, I have no strength left for major paperwork and government oversight of every little expense. I have considered it, but my time and resources seem better spent on the animals. The disadvantages sadly seem to outweigh the advantages, or you would be completely right!

Probably you would have to try many vets and see the pros and cons in each case. It depends though how many miles can you travel.

I have seen many people who help animals that post things on social media. Probably it would be a good idea to explore this one too just to see if you can manage to create a bit of extra income.

Just from random browsing I have seen various videos about feeding stray cats and the view count was not bad at all. Certainly not 100% that this is the perfect business plan, is only just you share some moments of your time online and then see how it goes.

Have a good day. :wink:

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I know a lot of those videos, I support some of them, too. I do not want to “compete” and take away donations that would go to one of them. My plan is to gather enough strength for my 3D project and finance it while using that to help sustain my work with the animals. Essentially, use the rescues as part of the “marketing” for a film project, so that people interested in animation and movies help finance my cat work, and not people who would otherwise have supported other good rescues. Does that make sense, or is it just me?

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I would say that making the 3D movie is a good idea, you will see how it goes when is released and what options it can offer you based on some sort of business plan.

The youtube channel is a side-gig though, supposedly it would require less than 10% if your daily time so this way it makes sense to work on it.

My brother once uploaded a video about changing the light bulb on his car and within a few months he would have about 5.000 views and about new 100 subscribers, all was unexpected… He is not interested in making youtube video full time, just he was bored one day and uploaded something.

Looks like that any sort of youtube upload probably can become something. It depends on whether or not the content is useful/entetaining/interesting/asmr. :slightly_smiling_face:

The only thing that comes to my mind now, is that creating something like a 3D movie from scratch, requires lots of months of work and tremendous amount of effort, while others upload 3D AI generated videos for 1$ and flooding the space… :thinking: I am trying to figure out how to make 3D movie making competitive in that regard. :expressionless:

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Ain’t nothing side-wise when dealing with cats :stuck_out_tongue: But for real, I don’t want a cat channel, it takes away from other cat channels and I feel like one of those family channels using their kids as viewfodder. But as a part of a movie making channel, now THAT is entertainment!

I have been developing a micro-team movie production process for a few years now and I think it might work, I am now running a full test of it (previous test crashed when all my files and backups were lost… long story). It would go much faster if I didn’t have to deal with these anti-cat rescue buggers, but it is progressing at a nice, if slow, pace. More to come. I am just venting on the side, trying to get back in the driver’s seat…

Remember: It is, today, trivially easy to create a “compelling graphic,” and to secure a “.org” domain name and scratch up a website. Suddenly, at least to some people, "you now have: ‘credibility.’"

For example, if you now tell them breathlessly that someone is able to “invade their home,” for some pretense or another, they will actually believe you without question. And, most importantly to you, they will then react to it.

So, with just a little bit of planning, and at least for “your fifteen minutes [of fame],” you can orchestrate those reactions. For brief yet very powerful effect.

This is simply another aspect of “the mass psychology of the internet age.” Live accordingly.™

P.S.: The formal name for this ages-old exercise is: “propaganda.” If you are so inclined, it is quite a fascinating and revealing topic . . .

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I do appreciate your very strategic view on the ordeal, and I think there is a lot to it.Stll, I am mainly tired of people getting ahead by scr’wing everyone else over, especially since I suspect they may do it on victims with less stubborn and analytical personalities. I may be able to sus out their tricks, and I do bite in for longer than most, but how many others have been kicked down by this, I wonder. I think just getting it out there, amateur whistleblower style, is a must.

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@Embassy, you are now describing the entire history of mankind . . .

“Somebody makes it to the top of the hill.” Does he then magnanimously reach down to help his brothers up? Never!!! He stomps on their fingers and kicks them off the rock.

“Survival of the Fittest” first of all means: survival. Second: that everybody else dies.

Until one day, inevitably, he slips up and the situation is reversed. “Et tu, Brutae?”

As for yourself, you have to either play the game, or decide that you don’t want to play it. In the latter case, others will continue to play.

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This is the plan. I must sink into the muck of Others. I only fear what I might become…