[I know, that’s stupid but…] :-?
After messing with free servers for… some years… I’ve made my mind.
I want a reliable webhost with php-mysql, some good amount of space, good bandwidth, possibly POP3 email accounts, domains and possibly subdomains… the typical kit… I want one that that’s cheap(asking for too much?).
Any of you know about GOOD webhost?
Dirt cheap hosting solutions (and I mean DIRT cheap)
There are many hosts that provide space for under $5 a month and you can get your own URL for $9.00 these days. Thats around $50 for an entire year for your own site. I’m sure you could find $50 to borrow from someone. Our borrow $10 from 5 people, or even miss a movie or two.
http://e-rice.net Hosting a website ad-free with FTP access and 150M Disk Space with a MySQL Database for $9.99/ YEAR!!! Surely ANYONE here can afford that."
http://www.breezeland.com I think has just started up a couple of months ago, and so wasn’t working too well at first, but you can get up to 100mb without ads, absolutely free.
EDIT – you may have to wait a few weeks, they’ve stopped signups for the time being because of ‘Server Instability’.