I’ve been using Blender for almost 6 months now and I have found this site to be a great resource!
Below is a model I’ve been working on for the past month. It’s my first serious modeling project. Everything else I’ve made have only been attempts in learning how to use blender, and therefore they look really bad. But this is the best I have done so far.
I call him Bob B. Blender. I’m going to use him as I learn and play with the more realistic modeling features of Blender. He is made up of 1404 faces. All of them are quads. He’s not the greatest model in the world, but I’m pleased with my progress.
Soon I’m going to make a lowpoly model to use in learning the more abstract and cartoon like features that I’ve seen done with Blender.
Head/face is too small on these images to say anything about it.
Proportions look good. Could have longer legs, so crotch would be the middle, but doesn’t have to. Looks like you deformed a very regular mesh. You should search for edgeloops, study meshes. Will make your life easier.
That’s looking great! I’ve only got two complaints is all. The eyes are a bit too close together, and the lower legs seem to bow back a bit too much for proper balance. But other than that, it looks like a solid model!
Yeah, the torso was started by deforming a cube with the top and bottom removed. You could also say one side is missing also because I’m using the mirror modifier.
I’m familiar with applying edgeloops to the face, but I’m still learning how they work into the rest of the body. I’ll keep researching.
I lengthened the legs (they still need work). I also attached a closer head view. The face may look a little odd because I did not use a proper reference image. I just used a simple sketch I made to help keep the general locations of the eyes, nose, and mouth. I admit a real face would have been better.
Face (front view) makes me think of sly stallone a bit
Well, no way around references. Even after years of drawing, I still need them if I want to get every detail right.
For edgeloops on the body, research how the pectoralis ends in the arm. Then the mayor shape of the deltoid. Have loops follow these shapes. Then check the armpit and shoulder blades. Images of bodybuilders can be helpful, but you have to check how much of all those muscles shows in ‘normal’ people.
You also have to consider posing. Take the pelvis/leg region as example. Look where folds are in a sitting position.