I call it....eeeeeeerrrrgh!!!!

this is some thing i did a few days ago, that i thought was cool. i named it eeeeeeeeergh…(i was bored) i was trying out the displacement mapping thing, it worked quite well.


AHHH!!! More suzzanes!!! RUN! aHH!!! There everywhere!! but seriously what is displaced? cant tell what that ‘nose’ like thing in the middle.

the displacement mapping is…uh… here use this link http://www.soylent-green.com/tutes/Displacement.html

the “nose” like thing in the middle is displaced with a texture. its supposed to look like suzanne is looking at her/his nose…

ok it is hard to see, ill post a close up


i know what displacement mapping is but couldn’t tell it was disp placed from the angle try like a 45degree angle so you can see the depth of it…

lol, sorry. when you said “what is displaced” i thought you meant what is displacement mapping,lol. ok ill change the angle