I cannot make bones work with converted image to grease pencil

Hello, I know how to rig grease pencil lines to bones, that works fine.
When I try to rig bones to a grease pencil object that I have used the convert image to grease pencil tool, after weighting the bones with the object, it does not move anything in pose mode. I am tryin a really simple outline first -

I am also finding that I cannot select individual bones wit the converted image grease pencil object to grease pencil in paint mode when using the new select left mouse and alt. As you can see in this image below, either al bones are selected or non at all. I can select bones in the top list but it still wont work in pose mode after painting/editing the weights.

Im wondering if this is a bug wit converting image to greasepencil, or if it is just the outline shape that wont work?

It does not work for me either (no matter if it is automatic weights, empty groups, weight paint or assigning to Vertex groups) which is odd. Maybe the trace result is complex and simplify in edit mode would help. I wonder if build modifier could give us an insight of the stroke’s architecture.

Hi, are you guys using Blender 4.3.0?

If that’s the case, I’ve experienced a negative debuilding of the Weight Paint Mode functionalities for Grease Penicl (which was already limited on previous version(s) regarding GP 2D Rigging), but now it really seem to have become broken in one or even many ways.

My solution to such critical bug(s), is to just use the Set Parent To Armature Deform With Automatic Weights Operation for Rigging GP.

As for the Procedurally Modified Geometry Nodes output not suffering from the Deforms, I have no idea what’s that; I think it should work naturally, if the Weight Paint works. But Weight Painting GP is so difficult (in Blender 4.3.0), that it might not work at all, so just use Auto-Weights and test it out.

This is my ‘ultimate’ technique with current GP 2D Rigging I’ve been experimenting with. I don’t have time currently to work with GP, so I’m just sharing and also for feedback if anyone finds this useful:

The combo is: Auto-Weights for Armature Deform Object Parenting, using B-Bones (Bendy Bones) on Parented Connected FK Chain(s), then employing Auto IK Option on Pose Mode (requires Grab, and has Auto IK Length feature).

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Weight paint when parenting with empty groups works just fine for a GP i drew in 4.3. on my side. When i use a traced image things get weird, even when trying to select points in edit mode. The stroke looks OK with the build modifier.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone, does anyone know if there are bugs like this in prior versions? I might reinstall something like 4.0 and see…

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In 4.0 armature seems to work fine.


I believe in 4.2 LTS, Weight Painting GP was more functional than current 4.3.0. But I hope they’ll be fixing this soon in some 4.3.1 of beyond. Probably I should be Reporting Bug…

However, even 4.2 LTS, what happens is that I do a lot of 3D Rigging; then when I was trying to deal with Weights in GP 2D Rigging, it became clear to me that a lot of handy, taken for granted, 3D Rigging functionalities, were just not yet implemented in GP 2D Rigging; so this can be very frustrating. If I’m not wrong, stuff as elementary (and relevant) as Symmetryzing or Mirroring Vertex Groups, and perhaps no Weight Paint Automation due to use of Mirror Modifier…? (it is possible I was doing something wrong though, as in GP Object, Mirror Modifiers can Target Layers!). Anyways, I’m sure some functionalities are not matching the ones of 3D Rigging. I don’t understand why GP it is lacking the implementations to this day; it’s so obvious to me. I believe they’ve just been putting effort in the other domains of GP as a priority --such as the Geometry Nodes interaction with GP, which is hypothetically a ground-breaking feature, but only recently implemented in Blender 4.3.0!

Also, beware, because of those big changes in GP in Blender 4.3.0, you cannot have a 4.3.0 GP content saved and used it back in previous versions, though you can come from a past version (e.g., 4.0, 4.2 LTS I guess) toward 4.3.0; it is just backward compatible, but not the contrary!


Hi its working fine in Blender 4.0, It seems to be 4.3 was the problem, thanks!

I wonder what will happen if you trace the image to GP in Blender 4.0 and append the generated Grease Pencil to a Blender 4.3 project.
EDIT: The result is the same, it cannot be rigged.