I can't export correctly a fireball model with its animation

I made this animated fireball but I am not able to export it correctly.
i tried several times to import it in unreal engine but im not able to.
it seems like the modifiers are not being exported, the only thing that blender exports are the starting mesh without modifiers and basic materials color. the fireball is a group of three duplicated obejcts with different materials color.
i attached screenshots of the fireball.

thank you

hey @Rulletsocial welcome to the forum.

what file format were you trying to export in? alembic should work fine for animated meshes. But be aware that modifiers are a blender specific thing and will all be applied on export. There is no way to get the same functionality transferd into unreal since they both work completely different.

Thats the same problem you are propably having with your textures. It isnt possible to export more than basic BSDF + Image texture and have it being read correctly in another software. Thats a general problem that all Programs face in a CG pipeline.
To get that animated texture you would need to physically unwrap that mesh and export it as video that you would then map on the object again in unreal.
If it isnt an animated Texture you need to bake it into image textures that then can be read by other programs again.

The USD Format is trying to establish a more generalised approach to file transfer between cg programs but we are far far away from getting full tranferabilty, propably because every program would need to be rewritten and adapt the same standards in a lot of fields.

That doesnt really help your case but gladly ask away if you have questions.
Also it would help a lot if you give way more information about what exactly you are trying to do and what steps you took so people can help more easily :slight_smile:

thank you very much! Yes, i need to import this fire ball as an animated bullet in unreal 5. Can i ask you how can i make the process you explaned? I can’t find anything about this unwrap process of the mesh and the export of the video. I’m a new blender user and im so confused.

Ok, so for the pure animation of the mesh object, you should be able to just hit export as alembic file and import that into unreal. For the texture you could just look for “baking” tutorials, although I never tried that with an animation but it should work. (I was thinking sth different in my first post)

BUT I would anyway recommend building that in unreal, this is way better and gives you way more control, especially since it seems like it was made with relative simple noise mixing, which you can create there with nearly the same setup. The shader graph seems more daunting in UE but it’s actually not that hard to do, pwnisher has a good starting point video where he shows the node works in varying degrees of complexity

May I ask what you general goal is? Do you need to export into unreal? What do you want to do there?