I can't get texture paint working

I had texture paint working beautifully with image texture and bsdf nodes set up.

My one blend file does not seem to be the problem as I cannot get the texture paint to go simply a cube.

On workbench all is pink, on cycles and eevee changes which I paint are not showing up on
3d view port.

I had been working all day on key frame animations I wonder if blender automatically switched into a mode I read something about workbench settings in the manual but that did get me anywhere.

does anyone know how to do this, I am getting pretty good at animating cows, but I don’t know much about rendering and texture mapping yet.

one model is going to be used for facial animations but nothing is really finished yet I am making a short story about cow calfs escaping and finding safety.

You know that no of your images can help to analyze the problem? Do you have UV’s and an image texture ?? (pink means: image missing)

Yes thanks. I had a simple filepath problem.