i can't import my module[help]

i need help, everytime when i write something in python and then save it as a .py file after that i can’t import my module after i saved the file, inside my python directory where i installed python i made a new folder where i save all of my codes, the other codes i can import fine into the idle, but now everytime when i make a module with a function in it, or variable, etc, and when i call my module with the import statement i get this error:

import age_module_test

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
    import age_module_test
ImportError: No module named age_module_test

so as i was saying where i installed python i created a new folder in wich i save all of my codes what i am makeing, in that new folder all of my other codes wich i writed long time ago i can import into the idle without getting any error, and now when i am creating new modules and save it as a .py file in the same directory where i saved the old codes…, this new modules i can’t import it because is giving me that error from above, i need help to fix this thanks

I would start with checking the script folder path and see if it’s set to the old directory.

the python is located in my C:drive…C:/python26/
and inside of python26 directory i made a folder where i save my codes, some of those codes i can import into the idle and some of those is getting me the error above.

I would start with checking the script folder path and see if it’s set to the old directory.

i don’t know how to find the script folder path and to check if it’s set to the older dir, anyway as i remember good all these confusion about getting me errors importing modules came after i installed python two times, i already deleted one and now i have one python installed wich is that from the c:drive.

Does this work?

import sys
import myModule