I can't see!

I set the camera front on to my model - Ctrl Numpad 0 - and I can’t see it when its rendered…just the default grey… Can anyone elucidate whats going on here…? thnx!:spin:

There are so many possibilities you should attach your blend file to your post or somewhere like http://www.pasteall.org/blend/

Sure of course. here it is example_6.blend (480 KB)

You have a few issues here.

  • In the outliner you have set the cylinder object to be not rendered. The greyed out camera icon. Press the icon to make it renderable.
  • You have set the render camera to be the Cyliner.000 object. Select the camera object and press Ctrl+numpad0 to make it the render camera or select it in the Scene / Camera settings. Check by going to camera view (numpad 0)
  • You also need to add lights to your scene

Thnx once again! Soon I will get the hang of this.