I deleted a bone and the whole mesh tilts, what to do?

after rigging the spine, head and legs i parented the mesh to my armature. I forgot to make bones for the wings (inside the main armature), so I rigged it and it wasn’t working. The bones moved the whole mesh instead of just the wings even if I already set the pivot point on the root of the bone. So I decided to unparent the mesh, and delete the wings and start over. When I deleted one wing, the other disappeared too. I saved it from there. I opened my file again and this happens:

I don’t know what tutorial to look for anymore :frowning: Anyone know a tutorial I could refer to for making this? It’s a bug. I’m trying to rig it like the beetle in bugs life, it has an exo skeleton that goes up when it flies so the real wings under it can flap around. The rig for the real wing is a separate armature and works perfectly when tested for animation. My only problem now is the exo skeletal wing.