I found this bug, but I did’t know how/where to report it.
The bug:
For my upcoming animation entry in the contest, Found out of this:
Its a bit hard to spot …
I found this bug, but I did’t know how/where to report it.
The bug:
For my upcoming animation entry in the contest, Found out of this:
Its a bit hard to spot …
I’d say, it’s not a bug but simply yet another limitation of DoF as post process.
The depth-value is simply showing the plane, you cannot handle (partially) transparent objects with a simple depth channel.
One solution here would be to use clip maps instead of alpha maps, but unless i missed something, blender does not feature that (yet).
I’d recommend seperating that plane on it’s own renderlayer and alpha-overing it. this is more of a limitation of z based blur than a bug.
laspher: could you post a Z buffer mask image for us? I thought that Ztransp would be just that, and the Zbuffer would report the depth behind the plane. You take your renderlayer node Z socket to a colorramp to a composite ouput node. Do Composite and render. thx.
I use Defocus, a z buffer? There is no…
just a thought: Photoshop would be a better app for that speech bubble anyway.
or just use nodes and comp the bubble image straight to rendered frame.
thought this would be a good place to list a bug about RC3
render whilst in edit mode, ya crash
probably someones spotted this along time ago but i felt like saying it
I used photoshop
or just use nodes and comp the bubble image straight to rendered frame.
yearh, but then i properly would be unable to move them…