I found a new sculpting method ( pics on page 2 )

Try this:

-Make a UV sphere
-Go into edit mode
-duplicate one vertice
-place it somewhere in the perimeter of the object
-with that vertice selected, toggle proportional editing with O key
-move vertice
-move vertice
also try this: duplicate the vertice a few times into a ‘tool’
note: make a vertice group for the tool as it can be easily lost.

  • this rules! -
    <edit> and another way to do it:
    add one object>>add another>>join>>use one as the tool to distort the other

Modron, that is VERY cool, and useful too ;). Thanks for sharing!

Alexandre Rangel

This truly extends the modelling possibilities of PET.



Great finding !

In particular I like it with scaling and rotation (nice shapes in no time).

I have noticed it is good for ‘inflating’ things, by putting one object inside of another and scaling.

It is also good to put it fairly outside and object to modulate another way the spread of the effect.

I made a tool and named it TheModron.


I feel like such a tool. LOL

lol, sounds like a good idea, ill have to try it out, when 2.30 came out, i couldnt find the button on the toolbar, the ‘O’ key is ultra handy, couldnt live without it

this is so simple its stupid but the idea is great!! its funny what things you come up with after blender has been around for 10 years and the magnet tool has been there for a fair amount of time as well… :smiley:

I noticed you can get some pretty freaky results, by applying alt-S after warping an object in this way.

Here’s what happens when you warp UV spheres with cubes==>

Wow! I use PET all the time for organic modeling, but I never thought of something like this!! Genius. :smiley:

can you show some renders?

A Bleedin Mazin :o :smiley:

Today is a good day to Blend!

Thanks Modron :o :o :smiley:


I use SubSurf AND the new ‘Optimal’ mode now for organic modeling :wink:

check these:

kewl idea. I’ll let you know when I find stuff like this. those “tricks” are nice to know…

I animated this little drawer with Modron’s technique. This could probably have been achieved with a lattice or altering the vertices directly, but I find this method more elegant and easier.


It’s DivX 5.1

Thanks, Modron!

Hey great! I thought this thread was going to sink into obscurity. Thanks for digging it up, guys! :smiley:
<edit> heheh that dresser is great. Did you know you can ‘inflate’ areas of an object, by putting a sphere inside, and scaling it? :wink:

It would be nice if we had a mini tute with screen shots to demostrate this technique. Nothing say it like picutes

Ok I’ll see what I can come up with,…still kind of fooling with it myself though,…it may be awhile.