"I Gave Idiots Swords"-- Chivalry's idiot stepbrother

I made a superbly stupid game. It’s a medieval combat game, with swords, shields, spears, and arrows. Ragdolls, gore, onions, and yetis abound! … Yeah. Also, procedurally/randomly generated “castle” maps, 3 teams, impale physics, soda dispensers. And sounds. Dismemberment is also a thing. And lots of blood, be warned.

^the onion portal (a crate).

More images momentarily. PLEASE, IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS/CRITICISM, SUGGESTIONS, put 'em up!

Two random iterations from the map generator, which allows for, well, everything to be adjusted. Tower height, diameter, bridge lengths, # of towers, height displacement, randomization factors, XY displacement…

People can get impaled on spears, swords, etc. Yetis also grab people and throw 'em around. Sword and spear throwing is fairly functional.

I know, the yetis need work. They’re… WIP.

wow this is really cool! i love the madness going on in the screenshoots! maybe you should add a skydome and a background with some trees so it doesnt look so empty, keep it up!


Thanks! The game’s kinda based around complete insanity and stupidity… heh. There’s a lot in the works, including nicer backgrounds/scenery.

From what you’ve shown us, this is clearly amazing.

If you don’t mind my asking:
-How long have you been working on this?
-I don’t believe that profiler

Overall looks really promising.
I’d tip my hat, but it seems to be missing. Here’s a modest “grunt of approval” instead.

Such kind words! I, my friend, happen to have my hat at this moment, so I will offer YOU a sincere … eh… tip-o-the-hat. Yeah. Seriously, genuine thanks!

-I’ve been working on this in my free time for the past two weeks, roughly; a little less, perhaps.
-Heheheh (actually, the game DOES in fact run at 60fps fullscreen on this lousy old macbook of mine, but lots of people means lots of blood, which means lots of physics, which means lag. If you kill the blood, it actually runs totally fine.)
-Yes, yetis, the greatest wonders of the universe. Right now they appear out of mid air, but in the future you’ll have to throw onions hard at stuff to get 'em to split open, and then there’ll be about a 1-in-10 chance of a Yeti coming into existence from its onionesque embryo.
… Yeah, I’m kinda just adding whatever comes to mind, so it doesn’t make much sense.

Again, much thanks.

HEY! UPDATE: video about the map generator.

nice work :slight_smile:

Thanks, 'preciate it! :slight_smile:

Can we see a vid of the game in action? Looks really cool.

here you go, sir :smiley:

(sorry about the framerate; poop computer + poop recording software = 2xPoopness)