"I Gave Idiots Swords"-- VIDEO

I swear, this is the last new thread. I. SWEAR.
anyway, video.

Lemme know what you think! Thanks :smiley:

why not keep all the parts of the game together in one thread?

The thread’s post editor was somehow broken. My computer crashed the first time I’ve tried, and since then every time I’ve tried to edit it the window has … half-opened? Something like that, and then my browser freezes. Not being able to edit the headline meant less exposure, and though I’m a bit ashamed of posting so many, feedback is key, given my incompetence and the geniuses here on the forums.

The video is really disorienting, it looks sped up. :confused:

If you had trouble editing your thread or otherwise couldn’t just post on the same one, then you probably should have waited until you were able to, tried different browsers, or just posted the video in the original thread. If people are interested, they’ll click and check it out. If not, they won’t. Fragmenting your game development progress and feedback into multiple threads isn’t helping you.

As for the actual game:

  1. You might want to add an ability to turn off gore and dismemberment to at least help FPS and visibility in game, as well as if you just don’t want it when you’re playing the game.

  2. You might want to invest some time into a smoother mouse-look (i.e. use speed rather than exact mouse movements).

  3. The game does indeed seem sped up at its core, which makes it difficult to keep up with. You might want to slow down all actions and movement a bit to make it easier to see what’s going on / where things are coming from.

  4. The game does look pretty fun, though. The absurd physics and gameplay seem to lend themselves well to the basic combat.

Yeah, I sped up the video because without acceleration, everything was extraordinarily laggy, and the video would be too long. The first combat sequence, where the framerate is noticeably lower, is the speed at which the game is actually played (at 60fps, though, not 5fps).

I see, thank you. I’m a bit of a noob :stuck_out_tongue: My apologies.

  1. Thanks, I’ll definitely add the option.

  2. The mouse-look when you’re actually playing is incredibly smooth; it uses a elapsed-time-based softener. For some reason, when recording, it becomes ridiculously clunky and sharp, and the decreased framerate exacerbates the problem.

  3. The game actually runs at between 1/2 to 1/3 of the speed of most of the video; the first section with the most noticeable lag is at normal speed, but after that I sped it up because the framerate was simply TOO PAINFUL D’: I’m realizing now that isn’t the best idea for displaying a game.

  4. Why, thank you :slight_smile:

Looks nice,

let me see a .blend and see if I can chew some more fps out for you :smiley:

No matter what the game is, I absolutely ROTFLMAO the name! :yes:

Haha, in time, in time, my friend. Still early WIP, though it runs 60fps fullscreen on an old-ish macbook, so it should do well.

Heh, well, I’m glad.

I’m gonna delete the other thread on this game, as there’s no good reason for its existence, and it’s bugging me. Seems a bit obnoxious, so I apologize for its existence.

For some reason I can’t help but love this, but I have no idea why…

maniacal cackling Success.

Nice game. I tried to keep a straight face while watching this but failed when they started screaming.Haha