I get something weird

I was doing a tutorial and when I was finished with a part I found out that what I made was different from the example. Does anyone know how I fix this?
the example:
and what I got:

as far as i can see you have pressed the optimal button under the subsurf button. if you press it again it will be like the other picture

Here’s what I get with subsurf optimal off (still not what the same as in the example):

are you sure you have faces? looks as if you had only edges, but no faces at all… check that, turn on faces in the edit buttons.


What button do I turn on?
Here are my settings in edit-mode btw:

Turn SubSurf OFF.


And here’s what I get with subsurf turned off:

it’s the button to the right that says “draw faces”. it’s turned on. faces don’t appear (should be blue in the viewport). you seem to have edges only.

And how do I fix that? I’m sorry if I’m annoying but I just want to learn to model in blender.

if you have proper cross-sections you can start making 4-sided polys - select 4 vertices and hit F.

maybe the fill/beauty-fill function will work (shift+f, if i remember correctly). if you end up with too many triangles, try quadrangulate.

hope that helps

How do I select just 4 vertices? :expressionless:

You can use box select, or select one, hold shift, select another, and repeat until you have 4.

Thx I did that but it still isn’t what it should be:

I don’t really see the problem. You’re model looks ok to me except for some reason your model still looks kinda curved. Do you still have subsurf on with the optimal setting on?

If you’re new to modelling, it’s a good idea to work through the documentation over at www.blender.org first as it has excellent tutorials. Then once you learn the software and have a problem, you can ask for help on a particular part. The people here at elysiun can teach you how to model from scratch but you understand better by learning yourself.

As for selecting 4 points, right-click each point with the shift key held down. Then press f to fill in a face. If you are in wireframe mode, you will not see the face so change to shaded or solid mode.