I got a Wii!

My dad has been helping me find a Wii for a while now, and (long story short) he found one.

I’m posting this from my Wii right now, actually. This post is so short because of the tedious task of pointing at individual letters and pressing the “A” button.

I have two games: Wii Sports and WarioWare.

Well, I’m off to play! Bye!

Have fun!
If you weren’t on the other side of the continent I’d come to your house and play it with you…

lol do not kill you TFT Display TV with the Wii controller!

whats the bigg thing bout the wii…i was offered one for free(that rhymes:p) but choose the psp instead…

Now that I’m back on my PC, I might as well give more details.

My dad has been keeping an eye on craigslist for Wiis, and then calling the store from which the person got the wii from. Well, he called a store yesterday at 4:30 P.M., and they had 14 wiis left. He rushed over and bought one.

Here is a pic of me holding the box (the wii was still inside):


As you can see, I was a little bit crazed…

P.S. trak wrecka, I can’t believe you got the PSP over a free wii. The wii is much better than the PS3 and PSP. Over 2 million wiis have been sold, while only about 600,000 PS3’s have been sold. I don’t know about the PSP, but I know the wii is still better. And PlantPerson, I bet many people are thinking the same thing right now…:stuck_out_tongue:

I have one, too. They’re great fun and it’d be terrific if I was able to get the goddamn shop channel to load.

You don’t say. I mean it almost looks like you killed someone for that Wii, and in doing so you discovered an apetite for insanity.

Basically, you just became a serial killer, so have fun with “swinging” the wiimote around. (…and in the process causing countless deaths)

I’ll choke you with a nunchuk

FuzzMaster, do you have a wireless router? I do, and I brought it downstairs next to my wii to connect. You can also use a usb connector, either nintendo’s adapter or one that plugs into your router.

Social, I would never kill a person for a game console…or would I? I might have to win a video game tournament for one, so that might involve killing game characters.

Actually, that was a fake smile I put on for the photo. I was happy, but not that happy.


I hope you enjoy it!

Yeah, I’ve got the USB thing, and can use forecast/WiiConnect24 but not shop channel

Yoeri: everyone should be able to get a wii today. There were huge shipments everywhere.

FuzzMaster: did you get all of the wii updates?

Yeah, I think I’ll pass for the ultra gay Wii and go for a PSP…

I hate you…not because of jealusey but because you are another wii fan…I hope you smash your wiimote through your T.V…lol jk im not that mean…you still should have gotten a ps3 though:D…btw sago i gotta psp and it owns!!!

PS3 sucks! It’s too expensive, it’s loud, it’s hot, and only a handful of the release titles were any good.

It will be good in about a year, when there are some better games for it.

Lol, Now that’s funny.

Ahahahaha, I’m sorry man. You can never have that money back… hahahaha…


Take that last P. Stick it up your ass and scrunch it around until it becomes a 3.
Then you’re on the right track :smiley:

Still got a long way to go with some solid PS2 titles. No need for a PS3… yet.

Oh yeah, ontopic, Wii… is… ultra… gay (isn’t the Wii controller some sort of ‘rod’?)