I hate curve fit array in Blender. Always problems with that! Please help.

I already tired with curves fit array. Sometimes it works good - sometimes for no reason - bad. Even that i am doing everything right. Applying scale and rot. Keeping origins properly. Placing modifiers correctly - curve after array. Then trying different axis in curve modifier - sometimes helps sometimes - not. There is no one simple rule around it for this 2 modifiers to work always. I think it lives its own life.

Here again -

also fit length and fit curve very rarely works

So here is blend file - https://www.dropbox.com/s/nk6h3c8kpsdya62/curve-problems.blend?dl=0

Please tell me whats wrong on this time because it puts me out of temper each time

Move your object to your curve’s position. The Snap (shift+S) menu can be handy for that.

it doesnt work. When curve modifier added - no way to move it

Blenders curves are very sensitive, do the following in order.

1.Select the curve and press “Ctrl+S” and select “cursor to selected”
2.Select the object and press “Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C” and select “origin to geometry”
3.Press “Ctrl+S” and press “selection to cursor”

It should look fine after those steps.

Thanks @GrimZA

Now it works! Third step you advised helped! It seems like next time it will be worth to try to bring object to the curve instead of keeping curve and object on theirs own origins. Never did it before. Thank you for the tip again!