I have 2 pics. Neither finished.

Firstly, a tribute to kerosene’s method’s of modelling and editing.

Secondly, After watching the movie ‘Shackleton’ about the first voyage to the antarctic, I decided to model his ship, ‘The Endurance’.

It’s far from finished, but I’d appreciate any comments- thank you.

So… I seem to be getting alot of votes— any comments!!! for a complete ‘gallery’

this isnt fair. i answered yes, but only because there isnt another option. the ships are NOT boring me, they are VERY cool. but I just dont want to see your talent going ONLY into ships

Your modeling skills are awesome, but I think it would help if you got into putting more work in the surroundings, camera effects, you know.
It would help if you had the water going way farther off into the distance, coupled with Zblur, and a giant IcoSphere, then you could have a realistic environment!

You know what? I seriously would like to give environments a hand. If you could send me one of your ship .blend files to me at
[email protected]
then I’d love to make a realistic environment for it. (With your permission, of course) And then I’d post it and say something like- “Modeling by ScottishPig” Sound good?


Sure… I will give you some ships… I need help with environments, you are fully right. I’d like to see what you can do… =)

Personally I would like to see something other than ships from your hand. Doing the same subject over and over might help you excell in that perticular subject. However it can also keep you back on other parts.

no pun intended what so ever.


I agree with goofster: keep building those boats but also broaden your horizon. try some subs aswell :wink:

i have to say the crosh-hatching/toon style of the first ship was pretty darn neat… 2 more good pics…ships are kinda boring but sometimes theyre fun to look at, blend on

OLD POST -> All your links are pretty dead :frowning:

NEW POST -> Now they work!

First one is very cute, I like it, second one, the Endurance, is less interesting.

I like your ships, go on modelling them but, if I can express my couple of cents, go deeper in the hull modeling. Flags & sails are great, masts are nice, but hulls lacks detail!


hum…don’t stop ship modelling…why? there only like two(or three) more guys who model ship! but sure, model something esle that you might like…racing…architecture…I don’t know! :slight_smile:

PS: You know I model other things besides battleships!

very good, im watching shackleton too. :wink: