I have a blog about the Internet

Hi guys, it just struck me, cuz I just got a message that someone called Sandra Dau liked my post about Internet 3Ducation (this one: The Univ. of the Internet! ), where I mentioned my blog, that someone might actually like to Read it. It’s about the internet, how it’s affected our lives, written from an Indian perspective. So any Indian people out here, please…put your heads up and go there :slight_smile: , but…it strikes me…it might make sense to other people too :slight_smile: So here it is, I’m not trying to spam or anything, I just want to be read. Feedback desired :smile:


Cool perspective. I kinda like it :slight_smile:

Thanks, clean :slight_smile: I just updated it with a post about porn, go take a look :slight_smile: Which country are you from, dont mind me asking?