I have a day named after me!

Did you know that thursday is actually ‘Thor’s day’! Anyone know any other days/gods to go with them?

Well duh :wink:

Aren’t all the days of the week named after Greek Gods or something? :-?

Yeah but lots of people know it, but I don’t know what all the days are named after!

Thor is not a greek god! He’s scandinavian!

well duh :wink:

Sunday = Sun’s day
Monday = Moon’s day
Tuesday = [edit=“tordat”]Tyr’s day[/edit]
Wednesday = Wodin’s day
Thursday = Thor’s day
Friday = [edit=“tordat”]Freyja’s day[/edit]
Saturday = Saturn’s Day

January = [edit=“silkdigit”]Janus[/edit]
February = [?]
March = Mars
April = [?]
May = Maia
June = Jupiter
July = Julius (Caesar)
August = Augustus (one of Julius’s friends)
September = 7
October = 8
November = 9
December = 10

The numbers were right until Julius Caesar added July and August.
And halowe’en was still 31/10, then new year’s eve (in case you were wondering).

This is all from (very cloudy) memory, and a bit of guesswork (like march)
If it’s wrong, then just say so

friday is frig’s day- norse too I believe- somebody’s wife (odin or thor)
that leaves tuesday.
maybe january is janus- because he looks backwards (at the last year) and forewards (at the new year)

Tuesday = Tyr’s day (nordic god of soldiers, similar to Mars)
Wednesday = Wotan’s day (Wotan = Wodan = Odin = Wodin ) , Mercredi (French) = Merkur’s day
Thursday = Thor’s day (Thor = Donar, son of Odin) Thursday = Donnerstag (German)
Friday = Frigg’s day (nordic goddess, spouse of Odin) or Freyja’s day (nordic goddess of love); vendredi (French) = Venus’ day

Thor, nearly your whole family has a day :wink:

Woohoo! Thanks for letting me know where all those days come from! :smiley:

is this another of your lousy excuses to add a few posts to your postcount?

isn’t everthing in the off topic chat an attepmet to get your posts up.
and if you think he’s bad look at skating kows post about 99.9 percent are in the off-topic section

Embarrising isn’t it? It’s not quite 99.9% though, also, was that post just to up your post count by one?

no it was to get everyone to yell at you

Yeah skating kow! I’ve even answered people’s questions in the ‘blender questions & answers forum’! What have you done? Off-topic and then commented on some peoples work, saying stuff like ‘good’.

actually the story is something like this:

Julius Caesar didn’t won’t to be considered less than Augustus (August had 31 days and July only 30) so he took a day from February and added it to July. That’s why July and August both have 31 days…


Yeah, so? I’m crap at blender and don’t have any decent opinions, I know, what’s your point. Also, the reason I didn’t believe you when you said he was a Scandinavian God is that that saying Scandinavian God sounds weired. If you’d have said ‘Norse God’ then I would have probably agreed.