I have a few...


1.Where is S_W?

  1. What happened to Project EVA?

  2. Who created the Resident Evil room demo?

That’s all for now, back to my schooling :smiley:

1 - Have no idea
2 - Project Eva kinda got split up when Iconjunky dissapeared off the face of the earth and Sara and Abracsis split up.
3 - I have no idea


Numbah three:

If you’re talking about THAT POST:

it was done by xhyldazhk

If not… oops… :expressionless:

Yes, it was xhyldazhk. Thanks Fred. I need to get my records organized
so I can give people credit when the time comes. Because, I will be using
that Resident Evil setup in a game one day. In the farrrrr future.

As for S_W, I miss em.

Darn! No EVA Project! Mannnnn. Oh well, when things die, new things are born. I’m not going to cry about it :slight_smile:

Ehem… what’s S_W??? :expressionless:

Yeah, poor S_W :frowning: Miss that dude.

And project Eva cancelled? NOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo!

Project eva dead?? Euh … (hard thinking) … yeah, I saw a few months ago the project eva screenshots on someones website, I found it with google… , I think, … euh yep… it was google…euh no it wasn’t, I found the website link in the games gallery at blendergames.com under playroom, when clicked that website link, I saw his website with a pages all about the eva project. I’ll hope he is still working on it, but I can’t find his website again because the games gallery on blendergames.com is under construction. :frowning: