I have a problem

Ok, I don’t know if this is natural, like if this happens to every guy. When I’m attacted to a girl, my palms start to ache, they start sorta hurting in a way. Is this supposed to happen? It only happens when the weird love chemicals I forgot what they’re called (endorphens?) start pumping through my body.

Also I feel like there’s and electric charge bursting through my body, my guess is it’s those chemicals, but it feels great.

Do you start randomly applauding when you’re in love by any chance? If not, I can’t really help you there…

Yes, it is a natural reaction. It means you should RUN AWAY!

Man I thought someone would make a fap joke.

Well anyways, do any of you other guys have any strange experiences?

sometimes i catch myself make smoochie faces at girls i find attractive. it’s just habit. :frowning:

seriously though, i don’t have too many weird physical experiences anymore. just got used to it, i guess. whenever there’s a girl that i see who i really care about, i get all screwy and nervous on the inside, but that’s only ever happened with one girl (or at least, it’s never happened since that one girl).

if your experience feels great, why is it a problem?

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that would be hilarious.

I can’t believe I didn’t see the fap joke connection. I’m sorry I let ya down, man.

These are also common symptoms during the onset of HIV.

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Jackblack, your body is changing… We need to have a talk…

You may have noticed your voice is getting deeper, you’re growing hair where there was no hair before, parts of your body are getting bigger, you may have noticed pimples on your face, and what you’re describing is the first stirrings of interest in girls…

It’s perfectly normal; you’re blossoming and turning into a man. See me later; I have book we can read together…

Well, I guess problem was a bad choice of words, just something that I was’nt sure if it were normal. I recently saw a picture of a girl I used to like, she’s in Hungary now and I just got that weird feeling, I kinda feel depressed now too :(.
Oh well, I know when I become a famous Hollywood director she’ll be kicking herself for not wanting to get to know me better.

LOL, Wow! Rocketman you do know I’m 22 right? lol, maybe I am hitting puberty for like, a second time, I have recently been having acne outbreaks recently, and I never get acne, I only got it when I was 16.

You totally look 12 in that picture.

hmmm…when I’m with a girl I really like (only happened once so far), I feel more confident if she’s my friend (Which she was). It was just a fun friendship. Then she went out with my best friend matt all of a sudden and now its all wierd…we all still friends, but its kinda weird sometimes.

Yep. thats my story of sorrows.

Just by the way jackblack don’t come to Montreal, I think your palms would explode if you know what I mean:D

It’s all in your mind, jackblack.
Next time you see a girl and you get those symptoms, think about her on the toilet, having diarrhea and stinking like mad. Now she’s less attractive, huh? And yes, even attractive girls have to do such unattractive business :wink:
Once you realize they’re as self-conscious as you are, that they have their bad habits as well and that they also have those little things they’d rather not you find out about, it becomes easier talking to a girl.
Don’t focus on getting a girl, jack. Focus on getting a girl who fits YOUR demands, instead of you trying to fit hers (you know you are trying to appeal to her and are trying too hard to). Once the girls notice you have standards as well, they’ll feel more attracted to you and you’ll feel less nervous because it’s the girsl who have to prove themselves, not you.

Hope that’s been helpful.


CW if your theory’s true, then you’ve just explained why I’m such a

Seriously I never thought of it that way.

I get sweaty hands when I’m holding hands with my gf thats about it though.

Oh man the image of that in my my is making my hands ache like crazy, lol, just kidding. Also I know a lot about the whole female hygene thing, yeah it’s pretty disgusting, as far as hygene goes, we guys have it pretty easy lol.

I have no problem talking to girls that look like supermodels and such, I have friends that are some of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen, but girls I like are a different story :wink: .

jackblack:go get the pic of ur old girlfriend in hungary and mast3rbat3!Not that i do…i have no need to do that…

o i saw that on a cartoon once

u saw wat??Oh and cool username…

This is her, Emese, the girl I wish I could have gotten to know better, yeah I had a crush on her.



We kinda new each other, had some volleyball games together, hung out with the same friends, went to the same church, made small talk, but back then you had to be either really smart (which everyone of my friends says I’m a genius, even IQ tests say I’m at least a border line genius) or you had to be really hot, or something shallow. I was a buff guy back then, in rather good shape, I was real popular with the most popular kids in town, but at the same time I befriended the friendless, the poor kids, the uncool kids. I think that was the big turn off for her, I was friends with THOSE kids and shew did’nt want to hang around the unpopular kids.
Oh, also Emese had some real nice SSS going on, you ever notice that? how some people have this awesome SSS going on with their skin and others are just, dull?

And now for my hot EX, Kaitin.She was Lebanese and smokin’ hot, but I broke up with her cause I felt she was’nt the one, she wanted to kiss me that night I broke up with her, it would’ve been my first kiss, never have had that first kiss yet, still savin’ it for the one. Now my EX is married, happily I hope, she deserves the best.

She went out with me and loved me even when I was homeless once, she had a heart of gold, she was amazing, one of the most amazing girls I’ve ever met.

Sadly, I searched far and wide and it seems I can’t find any pics of her. I guess when you get married, you fall off the face of he earth, she used to be part of a sorority and she’s not part of it anymore.

Well I’ll just describe her, Amazing eye’s that are so amazingly captivating, huge boobs, nice body, red hair that looked like a forrest full of trees that had just reached autum and cute little freckles on her nose. She was gorgeous.

And this girl had the hots for me at one time, have’nt seen her or talked to her since she moved to Austin, kinda lost touch with her, that happens when I don’t see people on a regular basis, like in person.
She moved to Austin, cause she does’nt want to go to school, I tried to convoince her to stay and persue he modeling carreer here, but to no avail. I think it really hurt her when I did’nt show up for her first time on the catwalk.





I’m not about to show all the pics of the hot chicks I could’ve gone out with but did’nt, I like a girl that’s not shallow and has some brains to go with her boobs, is that too much to ask?

So Jimmy, how’d you get to be such good friends with these chick? Your ugly and fat, so how in the world?
Well the answer is simple my friend, I used to be in good shape and good looking and people just love me cause I’m real, and I’m a real nice guy.
