Hi all,
I have been working with blender for like a few days now and I still cant tell if blender is the solution to my problem. Hope someone can help me.
I want to create a movie of two helicopters flying in a room. I have the motion data in a file ( (1) time, (2) displacements in x,y, and z, and (3) rotation around x, y, and z as well). I would like to input my data to blender such that the two helicopters move accordingly to my data at every instance of time. I dont need to have a highly fancy movie, but I DO NEED the helicopters to fly exactly as my data, which I got form a motion-capture-like sytem.
I have my data in a “txt” file and I guess I can easily change it to other formats. The sampling rate of my data is not that important, since I sampled at 30 frames per second.
Does anyone can tell me if I can import “txt” files to blender, and use it as motion points in my animation? If so, how?