deleted post
If you add a new object while in edit mode the verts are added to the mesh you are currently editing. If you add the object while in object mode you will have a separate object. You can fix what you have by selecting the verts you want to be a separate object and press “p”
When you add a new ‘object’ in Edit mode you’re actually just adding to the existing object’s Mesh (editing that mesh). Add new Objects in Object mode.
To repair select one vert of a part you want to seperate, hit L with the mouse cursor over the selected vert to select all its verts and press P to seperate it. If all subparts of your Mesh are seperate you can choose “Seperate All Loose Parts”. Seperated parts will become new Objects and you can rename them.
awesome i guess i didnt wait long enough thanks guys i appreciate the help and am sorry for the double posts.
say i have a cylinder that i have used the loop cut tool on the side of twice to select two faces as to make a window…can i make these two faces transparent and put a lamp inside of the cylinder and add color to the light to simulate an LED on the pitch indicator of my turntable?
it dawned on me after i posted this to just remove a couple faces after using the loop cut tool to make a window