Seems like it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to “relocate”… Have you ever felt the need to move to somewhere else???
If I relocate then they’ve won. I have a job now that I can’t get fired from, and I’ve taken precautions now to keep from getting convicted for anything that I don’t do, and I don’t plan on doing anything illegal so they’ll never get me.
Although I am tempted to move to Guyana after hearing the exchange rate. That way I could write back to my pink-trash (part white, part Indian, all trash, and that conclusion has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with the way they choose to live) soon to be in-laws and tell them I make $15,000 per week for part time work. I won’t mention that $30,000 in Guyana is equal to $150 USD, though.
And I don’t care how vicious they are, I still want a pet jaguar. Apparantly people kill them in Guyana like we do ground hogs in Missouri, so they’re bound to leave some cubs/kittens/whatever the young are called. Get one before it’s weaned, raise it up, and it will believe you are either its mother or its god.
well if you do move to Guyana. It makes for one hell of a story. Here are some words of caution about Guyana though.
Becareful where you go you might get kidnapped(guyana is where all the cocane from columbia is sent to be shipped out of south america.)(Crime is really bad here or it was until the guyanese army started killing everyone that was causing the crime problem.)
you have to get used to the blackouts down here. we have shitty power.
if you play golf watch out for the water hazards aniconda’s love them.(a couple of people have been attacked while tring to find there lost balls. i dont think any has ever died thou)
the Misquitoes. (Malaria is a big problem here.)
this is a really racial place everyone is a racist here.
being called fat here is a compliment.(if you are fat that means you eat well.)
We have the Secret Police down here. you piss them off and they wont think twice about killing you.
it rains here everyday.
it is 100 degrees here everyday.
dont drink the water. (it comes from the sewers and is not cleaned properly)
stay out of the ocean. it smells like a toilet.
60% of the people in guyana have aids, we have dengai fever here, yellow fever , scarelet fever , and alot of diseases here. but not sars.
if you are in a serious accident here you need medivac insurance if you dont you are screwed. i had a friend have an anurism and die because they didnt have any oxegen to give him at the hospital.
They also have pirates. In 2000 I managed to outrun them in a sailboat but but got 16 7.62 rounds in the the portside hull, 5 through the coachroof and had to do some major stitching to the sails. Lucky the hull is ferro, but it still cost a packet to repair.
i’m sure this is probably completely inappropriate but i can’t help but think of the mario golf commercials… ah man i love those, absolutely hilarious! again, sorry, i just couldn’t resist.
so you think you’re better than us?! just kidding (again), we don’t have sars (not lately i think, anways) (canada btw)
gotta love wales. probably the safest place on earth.
we got good poice force (just the right amout of lenancy).
we got good food.
no poisenes anythings (apart from aadars).
no creature that can kill you.
all dangerous beaches are marked.
plenty of safe beaches.
a few beautifull waterfalls.
and LOADS o pubs.
It is a suicide to give a fight just because out of principle…
A man should not be a coward… But a man should only give the battles he chooses to give and whenever he chooses to… Don’t let others to drag you in… That’s the true victory…
Anyway I didn’t mean it that way, when I said “relocate”… I didn’t mean to propose you to run away from your problems… I meant to deal with them, by making a new start…
And “relocate”, doesn’t necessarily mean, move to another state!!! It could also mean, make new friends, find a better job, or move just a couple of blocks away, in a new apartment, along with your girlfriend…
Your new job is a good “relocation” I guess…
Maybe Jaguars can be trained as pets, but they are wild things and they can only be happy in their own “natural environment”… Try to find your’s…
i mean come on, you shouldn’t be robbing the ATM in the first place it was a silly idea, and now you should go to jail for your crimes.
(just joking bro, i know it is an unfortunate situation but i am trying to lighten the atmosphere on it, just take life as it comes and don’t stress about it, i don’t think you should worry)