Modelled with Blender
Rendered with Yafray
Rendering time : +/- 16 min on a Core 2 duo 6700 with the 64bits version of Yafray (Thanks Graphicall). The same rendering took about 28 min with the 32bits version !!
Great! the pig’s tear was a nice and sublte touch - I almost missed it. The kid’s expression is also good. She looks like a cold-hearted killer! No remorse there!
@ Framedworld : I added the birdie just to get some color and something relating to kid toys. Basicaly I wanted to create a mess desk just like the one of my daughter but I didn’t add as many stuffs as I liked.
@gallardo : You are right the paperclips are a bit big as well as the pins, I will try to fix that.
I think you should play with the colours to get more depth, it seems a little bland and flat to me. However, I love the concept and it definitely gets a smile from me. Good work.