I need more than 8 UVs for my 2d face rig

I made a 2D Face rig using a tutorial that has a UV for each piece of the face rig which will move using a bone.

These are the UV Maps my rig has. There’s 8 in total but I need one more. I have no idea what texcoord is but since I don’t remember putting it there, I’m gonna assume it’s important.

This is why I need one UV for each part of the face. This is how the shader node uses them.

I don’t know if I’ve provided enough information but I would really appreciate any help. I just need one more UV map for the mouth and I’ve hit a dead end. I read something about doing it with bmesh but that’s unfamiliar to me. Please blendies

Well… maybe just have a look at TEXCOORD_0 ?? Also : if not used by the shader then…

Or… simple delete it and have a look if you are missing something…

[ By the way: The reason of the 8 limit is explained here:


Yeah that’s what I probably will have to do. I’m very reluctant as I know I definitely didn’t add it, I don’t know what I would’ve done that added it. It just showed up one day and I’ve been housing and feeding it since. I’ll make a back up, delete it, and move from there. I’ll still lookout for ways of getting more space for UVs I guess or a different technique cuz I might need more elements to the rig. Thanks for your reply!

IMHO, this is the main problem! That tutorial you watch is probably not a solution for your rig.

You shouldn’t need UVMaps for every single bone in your rig… (having 2 or 3 UVMaps should be more than enough for all main purposes; in most cases, a single UVMap is sufficient)
The UVmaps should be used to define a surface coordinate system, and you should then move your textures in that coordinate system. Not moving the coordinate system on its own.

But if you still want to go in that direction, and if you don’t plan to export your scene to another system (i.e. a game engine), then you can create as many Vector Attributes as you like, and treat them as UVMaps (with the difference that you’ll have to use the Attribute node to read those coordinates).

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This part I don’t understand. Who else has access/works on that file ? surely you can figure out how it got here. What do the UVs look like ? can you infer their raison-d’être from their layout ?

I think that creating a shader-based decal system using Texture Coordinates - Object node, will be more convenient in your case. Discussed in this topic:

The base principle is: for each facial feature, you define object texture coordinates relative a particular object (empty), which then can be animated. Then, you layer those features over eachother using Mix Color nodes and texture alphas as masks

@Secrop So, from the very limited understanding I have of all this, the tutorial uses the UV maps as a boundary for the texture. Then, I put the texture on the UV map, and then move the texture around inside of the boundaries of the UV. So, I select a part of the face and assign it to the left eye or the eyebrow etc. I’ll look into replacing it with vector attributes because having as many as I like sounds real neat.

@Hadriscus I don’t know if I downloaded a model or texture, joined it, maybe that’s how that popped up. I geniuenly have no clue because I’ve been using the same blender file and making copies of different models to make slight changes over the last year or so. I have no idea why it’s there. It seems to be a duplicate of Eye.R based on the UV, so I guess I can delete it.

@DeckardX08 I’m a little hesitent to use a different system as I set up all the bones and expressions in my asset library with pictures for each of em and whatnot. I’ll still look through it to see if it’s going to make my life easier in the long run tho.

Thank you all for your responses!

You’re going to have to use a different system eventually, might as well start now :wink:

Agreed. I can’t imagine how painful this approach is going to get…

This is one of those times that when you’re in a hole, you stop digging.

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If you tell us with more detail the final result you want I’m sure there is a better way to do this.

@joseph @thorn Maybe I’ll need to in the future but the system lets me upload up to 10k textures for each feature of the face and I reckon now that I have enough UVs for two eyes, two pupils, two eyebrows, and a mouth, I don’t need to add anything else. I’m hoping to just get this part done so I can leave the confusing stuff behind and just focus on making more textures. Thank you guys for the help.

@watercycles It’s just a 2d face rig where I can control each feature of the face with a bone and I can set up poses in my asset library for whatever expressions I want. It’s really convenient for animation.

Thank you all for your help, I reckon my problem is handled for now :+1:

You should be able to make a 2d face rig that changes based on a bones position or rotation using the free plugin by Brave Rabbits called RBF nodes.

No need to have all those separate UVs.