I need some images.

I need some images of different viewpoints of organic things so that I can model them. I need mostly human, anthropomorphic, and dragon images with good front/side views. I can’t seem to find any symmetrical images of people and it’s even harder to get anthropomorphic images for modelling. Any other animal pics with front/side views would also be appreciated.

I’ll also post a link to a zip file with a few models both finished and unfinished.

If you have any requests for game models of small things (pots, pipes, coins, and other itty-bitty prop crap, post a list and I’ll model them in my spare time and post them.)

I also hope my link works because I don’t post much and it has the .psd and one .xcf file with it.


try: http://www.the-blueprints.com/
or google


What I do is make a model in the makehumanapplication, import it into blender, and then just boxmodel around it. You can even use the re-topo tools to help you out :slight_smile:

Makes it much faster to model a low poly human, than using photo’s i have found :slight_smile:

re-topo tools? What hotkey brings that up? Sorry, o many things have changed since I started with 2.37a and I haven’t kept up with the changes that well.

Parent one object to another (with the parent as the object to retopo FROM), then use this button in edit mode on the child: